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"Can I sit with you?"
"will you run away and ignore me for 6 days again?"
"Tyler I-"
"yes. you can josh"
I grunt a 'you're welcome' before stuffing more food into my mouth.

"Tyler we need to talk about what happened"
"well talk then"
"okay.. um.. I-"
"why did you run off and ignore me? was the kiss that bad??"
"no it wasn't bad at all.. I just. I'm scared"
"of what?"
"of the thought of being with you."
"wow thanks josh."
"wait no. I'm sorry not like that"
"then like what? listen if you're going to fuck around then just leave because i don't want to play your stupid games."
I never swear. well rarely. only when I'm really angry or upset and right now josh was making me both of those things.
"I'm not playing games Ty"
"then what ARE you doing?"
"I don't know.."
"you don't know?"
I got cut off by Josh's lips on mine again.
he didn't pull away this time though.
he tasted like cigarettes and candy it was gross but I liked it too.
I didn't want to pull away but I pushed him off.
"what are you doing."
"I think I know now"

maybe just a'little /joshler/Where stories live. Discover now