Prince Legolas and Tauriel

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Several spiders came down from above on threads of web, screeching and hissing as they surrounded the group. Keerla cringed and twisted her blades in her hands, ready to fight, only for the sound of footfalls on trees to catch her ears. Dodging a lunging spider, she ran at a tree and pushed off its trunk, launching herself high into the branches.

From above she watched the elves slide down trees and along spider webs, firing arrows and slicing through spiders with ease. Her eyes caught a flash of familiar silvery blonde hair, and she watched the elf slide under a spider ready to attack Thorin, slicing it in half. He came up kneeling in front of the dwarfs, knocked an arrow and pointed it straight at Thorin's head as he rose to his feet.

Several other elves she was familiar with appeared, surrounding the company with their own bows prepared. It took all her strength not to hit the tree with her fist; instead she made her way through the branches quietly until she was right above the Mirkwood Prince.

"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure," Legolas snarled, but Thorin had lifted his eyes and caught sight of Keerla.

He smirked and looked back to Legolas, "I'm not the one you should worry about."

Before the prince could question it, Keerla dropped from the tree and placed one of her blades under his throat against the skin. She wrapped her other arm around his waist, the point of her second blade pressing into the material of the tunic that covered his heart.

"Drop it," she growled, her voice sounding feral and Kili grinned from his spot beside his uncle.

The other elves turned their weapons from the company to Keerla, however none of them were able to see her or get an aim without harming the prince. And none of them would dare, the prince knew it. So dropped his bow and the arrow. A yell from a little further in the trees caught the group's attention, and Kili turned with a panicked look.

"Fili!" he yelled.

Keerla peered over Legolas's shoulder, watching a spider haul Fili away by the foot. She was about to go to him, when a flash of long red hair came into view, making her smile. Tauriel ran through the forest, killing three spiders with her bow and knife, then killed the spider pulling Fili with an arrow.

The dark haired Elleth almost laughed at the look on Fili's face as he admired the red haired one. Instead, she watched, proud, as Tauriel used what Keerla had taught her to attack another spider that had come up behind her.

"Throw me your dagger! Quick!" Fili insisted as another spider came for him.

Keerla was curious as to why Fili didn't use one of the many knives he hid on his person, but didn't question it, guessing he was trying to hide them from their capturers. Which was rather ingenious, if she thought about it.

 "If you think I'm giving you a weapon, dwarf, you're mistaken!" Tauriel snapped, killing the spider in front of her with her knife, then spun and threw it at the one gong for Fili, stopping it dead. He turned back to the elf, watching her in wonder, even when she dragged him back to the company.

The red head froze however, when she saw the situation, and placed her knife on Fili's throat, "Release him, and i shall do the same."

"You wouldn't kill him," Keerla said, her voice teasing as she lifted herself onto her toes, letting Tauriel see her face, "Would you Tauriel?"

"Keerla!" the Elleth exclaimed, dropping her knife from Fili as she rushed forward a few steps, "All of you lower your weapons, now!"

The guards did as they were told, and Keerla looked to Thorin who weighed his options but nodded. The Dark haired Elleth pulled her knives away and took several steps to the side, placing herself near the company. The elves watched her, all but Tauriel were weary of her actions. She met Legolas's surprised eyes and gave him a cold glare, but otherwise let her daggers drop to the ground.

"You . . . what are you doing here?" Legolas demanded, snatching the daggers away in fear she went for them.

Keerla simply crossed her arms and averted her eyes to Thorin, who tilted his head slightly. Their eyes locked sharing words without having to move their lips. She was telling him they would be captured and imprisoned; Thorin was telling her they didn't have much of a choice if they wanted to escape the forest.

Keerla furrowed her brow, trying to come up with a plan, but in the end sighed and gave him a nod. Legolas shifted uncomfortably, unsure of what was happening though it put him on edge, Tauriel was simply gazing at her long lost friend in wonder.

The red head had never expected to see Keerla again after what happened in Erebor, let alone surrounded by dwarfs. Speaking of which, the Elleth's eyes glanced back to where Fili stood, watching him curiously. There was something about him . . .

"As you wish," Keerla murmured, catching attention, but she simply moved behind Thorin to stand next to Kili.

"Search them," Legolas ordered, his eyes watching her only for a minute longer before he helped his men.

Tauriel observed from behind her kin, almost impressed by the amount of blades one elf was removing from Fili. Keerla nudged Kili, gesturing for him to see the glances his brother was sending back to the red haired Elleth.

"I think your brother's found himself his match," she snickered.

"It will be interesting to see how this goes," Kili agreed, smirking mischievously.

"Hey!" Gloin yelled in panic, catching their attention, and Keerla scowled as she saw Legolas pull away from the dwarf with his locket, "Give it back! That's private!"

"Who is this? Your brother?" the prince asked, looking inside.

"That is my wife!" Gloin retorted, upset.

Legolas glanced at him, then back down at the pictures, "And what is this horrid creature? A goblin mutant?"

Poor Gloin looked ready to cry, "That's my wee lad, Gimli."

Raising an eyebrow at him, Legolas turned to Tauriel as she approached, her eyes glancing in amusement at Fili who was still being de-weaponed.

"Gyrth in yngyl bain? (Are the spiders dead?)" he asked, and Keerla murmured the translation quietly for Kili and Thorin to hear.

"Ennorner gwanod in yngyl na nyryn. Engain nar. (Yes, but more will come. They're growing bolder.)"

Keerla watched the way Tauriel's lip curved upwards, watching as Fili opened his jacket to show the elf searching him that he had no knives left only for the elf to pluck another from his hood. Keerla's eyes then fell on Legolas as he was handed Orcrist.

"Echannen i vegil hen vin Gondolin. Magannen nan Gelydh, (This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin.)" he said, again causing the dark haired elleth to translate. "Where did you get this?"

For once, Thorin answered honestly, "It was given to me." which was true, Gandalf had given it to him, and Elrond had allowed him to keep it.

Legolas however did not believe him and turned the blade on Thorin, "Not just a thief, but a liar as well."

Keerla lifted her lip into a snarl, ready to speak but Thorin turned his head to her, shaking it slightly. Huffing, she sealed her lips in a scowl instead. Legolas glanced between them but brushed it off.

"Enwenno hain! (Take them!)"


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