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Well I've finally finished Book I of The Doctor's Son. It's only taken two years and two months!

I'm going to try and finish some of my other projects before I come back and work on Book II, but don't worry, I will get back to it eventually. In fact, I've already got a good idea of what I'll cover in Book II (hint: Torchwood, Sarah Jane, Donna).

I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have read this story to the end, and a MASSIVE thanks to thestairwell for being my superawesome beta, and pushing me to actually finish this damn thing :)

If there's any Doctor Who moments you'd like to see in either Book II or Book III (yes, there will be a Book III!) drop me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

But for now it's farewell from The Doctor's Son. Don't forget to review and let me know your favourite bits so far!

Thanks again,

LittleDragon94 :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2013 ⏰

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