I Wish

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~I Wish~

How, oh how I wish to be

Anyone but plain old me.

With eyes as green as the sea,

To lift me up and set me free.

Black hair radiant and smooth,

To verify my wistful youth.

I would only speak the very truth,

As long as I continued to sleuth.

I would be a detective so cunning,

Catching criminals that seemed to be running.

It wouldn’t all be for nothing,

Since I would find someone worth loving.

We’d settle down with a house:

My kids, my dog and my caring spouse.

Even though he’d spill coffee on my favorite blouse,

I’d love him more than anything else.

We’d grow old, and my hair would turn silver.

Then he would die a noble leader,

For my two sons and my daughter.

Always and always, forever and ever.

How, oh how I’d like to be

The person I’m imagining

As I act upon a stage with three

Others that are just like me.

We all need an escape and this mine,

To pass away such ticking time.

I found my love, not solving crime

But acting in the sense of rhyme. 

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