Chapter 2 (Two) - Mr nice guy?

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The footsteps where getting closer and closer, the closer it got the louder it got too, like a parade, except there was only one person causing it. 

The door creaked open a little bit, making that annoying noise you get when you step on a squeaky wooden floorboard. I shut my eyes tight, and pulled my blanket over my head. Then all of a sudden the footsteps had stopped. So had the squeaky wooden floorboard noise. I knew the coast wasn't clear, so this wasn't the time to be sighing and being all relieved, because something didn't quite feel right. I stayed in a stiff position, you'd almost think I was a mannequin.  

Not a single twitch. 

The room was silent, more silent than a new born baby asleep. I could hear some faint breathing, but couldn't really be sure to which direction it was from. Sounded more like it was coming from behind me, then I could get this feeling. You know that feeling when you feel that somebody's standing behind you, but your too scared to look back to be certain? Yeah that. Oh you probably don't feel it cause your not as cool as me haha. But that's exactly what I was feeling. It's like I had this sort of 6th sense where I could feel someone's presence when they're a couple cm away from me. 

I was so scared cause I could barely move, or make a run for it. Might as well say my prayers now.

"Dear God, I'm sorry for everything I've ever done, please forgive me." I prayed in my mind. 

The quilt was flung off of my body onto the other side of the bed, my bed was pretty big, so when I say the other side of the bed, that was a long way. I was trembling like I was infected with some sort of terrible cold. Then a cold rough hand softly rubbed my cheeks up and down, what type of perverted hand was this? As soon as those rough brick-like hands touched my hair, I somehow evolved into some vicious human being ... Okay so what I lied. I was crying and begging for the person to not harm me as my eyes where closed and my body still trembling. 

"Marylin, are you sleep talking again?" Asked Stan. 

"Me, psh no I'm not sleep talking" I replied, wiping the sweat of my forehead.

" I heard a noise, so I thought you hurt yourself or something." He replied.

"Me, hurt myself? Please Stan I don't get hurt." I stated with pride.

"Oh right? Is that why you've got a big purple bruise on your chin? How did you get that? Or let me guess you was taking care 'crime' with Lord Tubbington." He joked around.

But it wasn't funny, cause I wasn't laughing. And unless I laugh then it's not funny. Funny how I didn't laugh ha, cause it's not funny. Damn I'm confused now. Overall it wasn't funny!

"Hahahaha" I laughed sarcastically. "Actually I tripped, BUT that was only cause the lights where of as I was erm making my way to the uh....erm.. Toilet. Yeah the toilet. And Lord Tubbington can't touch me! He wouldn't dare lay his paws on me"

Lord Tubbington was my cat. Mum always tells me she's a stuffed animal,but I know she's just jealous just cause she doesn't stare at her non stop or never even blinks. She should so be in the Guinness world record. I can just imagine it " Worlds most amazing cat who never blinks!"

" Oh toilet? See that's funny cause I didn't hear no toilet flush..."

"Yeah that's only because you was in the base... down low." I said, hoping that sounded right, and it sure did !

" I was in the what?" He questioned.

" Stan, come on now, it's a song, if you wanna get with me, theirs some things you gotta know, I like my beats fast and my BASS down low." I sang.

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