Sixth Chap

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Charlie Rose woke up in Jeremiah's arms with a massive headache and the worst nausea she had ever experienced. This must have been the worst hangover she had ever had, and it doubled up with the confusion on where she was and how she got there. Jeremiah held her tightly, pressing her naked body up against his. She had never been this naked to anyone, not even to him when they had sex, except for the first time they had sex. And then she didn't even wrap herself around him like she did now. Her breasts pressed against his chest, her legs - that were surprisingly wet - wrapped around his and his dick touching her hip. She wondered how long they had been like this, when they arrived here, and where they were. This room was obviously not the room she was renting above the saloon, she saw that immediately. The bed they lay in was larger and much more comfortable, Charlie had forgotten how soft, nice beds felt like. How it was to lay in one, sleep in one. To her it felt like being on a cloud. She had slept really well and she thanked the bed for that. The wallpaper that covered the walls around her were covered with some complicated, sophisticated pattern that she had never seen in her life. The floor beneath her was covered with a thick carpet that - she was guessing - reached every corner of this room.  

She tried her best to reminisce about what had happened last night, but she didn't remember a single thing that happened after Jeremiah brought more beers. She hoped that nothing serious happened and that no one had paid any attention to her that night. Charlie darted her eyes around the room as she suddenly got very self-conscious. What she wanted - needed - to do right now, was not to think of what happened last night, but how she was going to get out of here. There was not a single window in the bedroom so she was left with only one option. The door that seemed a million miles away. It was nine or ten steps away. She would have to crawl out of bed without waking Jeremiah up, get her clothes, dress quickly but quietly and then tiptoe out of the room. What she'd do after that was determined by how the environment outside of this bedroom was. 

Charlie was about to get out of bed when Jeremiah stirred awake. First, he mumbled something inaudible then she felt his sleepy eyes bore into her. She had no choice but to look up and meet his blue eyes. "Morning" He mumbled and yawned. 

"Good morning."

"We had a lotta fun last night" He said and sat up. He stood up and she wondered if she should get up, get dressed and leave. 

"I don't remember anything" She said candidly and watched as he put on long johns that lay on the floor near the bed. She spotted her under-dress nearby. 

He laughed. "That doesn't surprise me" He said and flashed her a grin. "No woman can handle the amount of alcohol you consumed last night." The raging headache she had agreed with him. Charlie wanted to stand up, but the nausea had grown and she was afraid that it would send her spilling out half her guts. She clamped her eyes shut and groaned her agree. 

When she opened her eyes again she saw that he was fully clothed and felt embarrassed that she was still naked and in his bed. Charlie clambered out of bed and put on her under-dress, feeling much better now that she was covered up with something. 

"I was surprised to see you when I woke up" Jeremiah told her. She finished putting on her trousers before she looked up and raised a brow. "You're always so quick to disappear that I never get to ask for seconds." He smirks and she looks away, not quite sure what he meant by that. She picked up her shirt and started buttoning up when he approached her. He grabbed her chin and made her look up. "You are such a mystery" He said softly. "Who are you?"

Before she could even try to muster up a clear thought, there was a knock on the door and a young African-American girl hesitantly opened the door. "Mister, the shoot-outs will be starting soon" She said, her voice high. Charlie guessed that it was either normally like this or got this high when she was near Jeremiah. "And mister White is waiting in the sitting room." 

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