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Bailey is a girl. She has hair. And a face. And some eyes also. But no nose. Because she's a descendant of Lord Voldemort. And a mouth. I forgot about her mouth.

Bailey, the girl, walked to her new house. Her parents wanted to move into a safer neighborhood. So they moved to the house next door to their own. She wasn't happy about the move. Her new neighborhood was full of cheeses. In her old neighborhood there were many human people, but this one had slim to none. Bailey didn't like living aside cheeses since she was lactose intolerant.

Her new neighborhood was not only filled with cheeses, but Jesus also. The whole town loved God and was very religious. Bailey? She was jesutose intolerant.

Bailey picked up her suitcase and took ten steps. She finally made it to her new home. It was a treacherous journey. She almost didn't survive. "Bailey," Bailey's dad said, "Do you want to meet the neighbors?"

Bailey nodded her head enthusiastically, but inside, she wasn't happy. She knew the neighbors were cheeses. And she wasn't excited to meet them. But she followed her father all the same.

Bailey and her dado barge into the neighbors home. They don't give any fucks.

They immediately notice an overwhelming stench of cheese and they see a shrine of Jesus' face with multiple bottles of holy water. Bailey is taken aback. She's intolerant of both.

"Hi. My name is [Dan]." A cheese of a remarkably tall height hovers in on his hover board.

Bailey immediately feels the feels for this Dan person. She's like wow, he's a looker. She's of course already taken with him. She struggles to find the words she wants to say.

"I-I-I like cheese." She stutters, even though she hates cheese.

"WOWZA, you're relatable." Dan howls as Bailey's dad leaves the room because reasons.

"Haha yeah." Bailey agrees, cause she doesn't know what to say.

Dan smirks and swept his hand through his hair and bit his lip and wiggled his eyebrows and scrunched his nose and started doing any eyerish jig. "I've been jigging since I was in the womb. My mother made her stomach bounce."

Bailey was so overwhelmed by this she faked passing out. Dan continued doing the Irish jig and kicked her with his tap shoes. Basilisk fell into a coma. Dan freaked and summoned his father.


BAILEY LIKES CHEESEWhere stories live. Discover now