~A White Cloth~

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A/n: picture does not belong to me, and neither does Hetalia or any of its characters (unfortunately) so all rights go to the rightful owners. Only the story itself belongs to me.

~Italy- Feliciano Vargas~

A white cloth. You examined it a bit before you felt your cheeks starting to burn. You had a pretty good idea on just who this must belong to, after all, he's the only one who makes white flags.
Alfred curiously peered over your shoulder to get a good look at what you had in your hands. Once he saw the item he smirked and chuckled. Alfred being one of your good friends, had of course caught on to your little crush. Alfred looked over the crowd before calling out.
"Yo, Feli! (Y/n) got you!"
You could imagine your face must've been the same color as one of Antonio's beloved tomatoes by now.
Feliciano was in front of you in a mere seconds, after pushing his way excitedly through the crowd.
The Italian boy grabbed your hands, causing you to rip your gaze from the white cloth in your hands, to look at him. As your (e/c) orbs stared at his closed eyes he smiled.
"Vee~ Ciao, bella! I'm-a so glad you got-a me!" Feliciano said happily. You however had no time to respond before Alfred started to push you into the closet. You glanced behind you, and caught Ludwig looking at you with a kind of 'good luck' type of look.
Alfred pushed the two of you into the closet.
"Seven minutes you two!" He said as the door shut, blocking out most of the light that had been in there before.
You stood for a few silent moments, awaiting for your eyes to adjust to the new darkness. Though you soon heard a quiet whimper come from your left. You turned you head, a questioning look upon your features. Your eyes adjusted to see Feli glancing around, with open eyes.
"Um, are you alright, Feli?" You asked softly, wondering what his problem was.
"I-it's-a really dark in-a here..." You heard Feli state, his voice quivering slightly. You had to resist the urge to giggle, you knew Feliciano was scared of well.. A lot of things. However you hadn't a clue he was scared of the dark.
"Aw, Feli, I didn't know you scared of the dark..." You said as you inched closer to him, slowly and cautiously wrapping your arms around him.
You couldn't believe you were this close to your crush, you could feel your heart racing as Feliciano returned the hug, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you even closer to him.
"Thank-a you, bella." Feli said, the comforting feeling of having you wrapped in his arms making him feel less scared in the dark closet.
"You're welcome, Feli..." You said with a smile, happy he was calmer now.
Feli suddenly pulled away slightly, leaving you to look at him with your head titled slightly in question. Feli's light honey colored orbs stared into your (e/c) ones for a moment before he spoke up.
"Hey-a bella, you know what-a would make-a me feel even better?" Feli asked you, his voice was a bit lower now, and held some suggestiveness to it. You however didn't quite get it and furrowed your brows.
"What?" You asked in return, truly curious.
Feliciano didn't even answer as he went and captured your lips with his. It took you a few seconds to realize what was going on, causing Feliciano to question himself and almost pull away sadly. Though you started kissing back just in time.
At first it started out as a soft and passionate kiss, then it started getting a little rougher. You felt Feli's tongue swipe across your lower lip, causing you to obediently open your mouth. His tongue darted in, it wrestled with yours for a few seconds until he won. He started exploring his new territory, causing you to moan.
You were just about to reach up and finally find out what that mysterious curl did, when the door flew opened and flooded the room in light.
Feliciano pulled away reluctantly, and bent down to whisper in your ear.
"Ti amo, (y/n), will you be-a my girlfriend?"
You happily nodded, "yes! Ti amo, Feli." You said in reply, before the two of you walked out, passing Alfred, who simply smiled and gave you a thumbs up.
Feliciano then brought you over to Ludwig and excitedly told him you were his new girlfriend. 'I guess coming to this party wasn't so bad after all' you though.

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