Chapter 1

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As I slung the saddle over my horses back and tightened the cinch, I breathed in the crisp morning air. The birds chirping and the sound of the trickling stream next to my house made a soothing music that could calm any wild soul. Soft rays of sunlight broke over the green fields and seemed to almost kiss the dew covered ground with its warmth. Sunrise is a beautiful time to me. It seems to promise a new day, a new life, and most important to me, a new chance.

"Well, old boy," I said as I patted his neck, "Let's get this day started."

Bran tossed his neck as I swung myself onto his saddle. Turning north, I rode out towards the traps I had set out the day before. I made my peaceful living as a sort of trapper. I would clean the hides and furs to take to the market in Hobbiton. It can be a lonely life, but I have made many friends in my time here and often find myself being visited by my little friends. When I had first arrived in the Shire, the Hobbits had never seen an Elf before. Many were frightened of me and would not come any were near me. Others would ignore me thinking that I would leave if I was treated rudely. However, I am quite patient and was soon able to win over the trust and favor of many of the Hobbits. Some of them even helped me build my small house, for they are actually very big hearted folk. I always say that their hearts are almost as big as the feet. Thank goodness they are not as hairy though, I thought. I shuddered as I imagined big hairy hobbit hearts beating away in their little chests. I really need to work on what I think about. But I would not trade my little house or my little friends for all the money in the world.

After gutting and quartering all the meat off the animals I had caught, I wrapped all the hides and meat in separate thick, cloth tarps and tied them to my horses saddle. As I rode home, I hummed a soft lullaby that I had heard as a child. I rode up to the small paddock next to the barn and tossed the bags over to the tanning racks. After I had unsaddeled Bran, I got to work scraping the hides.

My mind wandered into my childhood. I was such a happy child. My parents and I lived in Mirkwood, were my father was a guard to the king. I was an only child, and because of this my father taught me everything  I needed to know about living in the wild. I became quite good with a bow and could easily protect myself with the twin daggers my father gave me. Much to my mother's distress, I could always be found at the archery range or up a tree in the gardens. Though we were not rich, my parents did all they could to give me a comfortable life.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the sound of a horse galloping down the road. Dropping my tools, I ran into the woods surrounding my property and grabbed my bow strung on my back. I notched an arrow to the bow string as I seemed to almost melt into the shadows. I held my breath and waited to see who would be coming towards my house at such a fast pace. I heaved a sigh as a small grin broke the grim line of my lips when I saw a grey cloaked figure riding up towards my house. I jogged out of the hiding place and made my way to the rider. He was tall and wore well worn grey robes with a tall, pointy hat to match. He carried a wooden staff and a sword strapped to his waist. A long grey beard hung down his chest and tangled grey hair covered his weary shoulders.

"Long has it been since I last saw you, Mithrandir."

The rider jumped off his horse and turned to me. "Yes. Too long I'm afraid. But this is not solely a friendly visit you might say."

"What do you mean?"

"I came to ask a favor of you, Andriel."


"What do you mean you've found it?" I sat rigidly in my chair. "It was lost long ago when Isildur was killed. No one has seen it since."

"That is not entirely true. A few hundred years ago, a Hobbit-like creature found the Ring. Like everyone else he became obsessed with it. It is precious to him. The Ring gave him long life and disfigured him to the point that he looks nothing like a hobbit anymore."

"And does he still have it?"

"No. A hobbit here in the Shire has it. A hobbit by the name of Frodo Baggins."

"How did he come by it?"

"It was given to him by his uncle, Bilbo Baggins, who stole it from the creature called Gollum. Bilbo went on the journey to retake Erebor. I believe he had it from the time we left the goblin kingdom."

" What do you want me to do?"

"Travel to Lord Elrond in Rivendell. Tell him that I am going to send Frodo there, and hopefully I will be with him."

"I will leave as soon as I can." I stood from my chair and walked to the door with Mithrandir behind me. Opening the door I turned to him. "You take care of yourself. I don't want to have to heal you again when I see you next", I said with a smile.

"I hope you won't have to." Smiling, he turned and mounted his horse and rode away.

Stay safe. Please. Stepping back I closed the door and walked to my room to grab my pack and an extra pair of clothes along with the other necessities. I grabbed my sharpening stone and some throwing daggers. Strapping the daggers to my thighs and slipping some inside a small holster in my boots, I grabbed some food and walked out the door. I saddled Bran and tied my pack to his saddle. Swinging myself gracefully onto his back, I tapped his sides and headed towards Rivendell at a canter.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the locations or characters mentioned in this book. Andriel belongs to me though :)

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