Chapter 1: Welcome to J.G. University

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It was a blistering August morning, the air was heavy and dry, I had already begun working up a sweat moving the boxes out of the bed of my little truck. It was Tacoma sports series, sure it wasn't a heavy duty truck but it got the job done.

"Remind me why am I here again?" Amanda, my younger step-sister of six years questioned as she unloaded a box packed with books and journals. "You're not even paying me for my community service." She whined dumping the box off to the side along with the others.

"You don't get paid for community service, and if I recall correctly you're the one who dragged me back here to finish up my degree." I retorted having finished unloading the last box from the truck. About a year ago I had been attending John Gabree University, until my father had a stroke in the middle of my first semester. I decided to take some time off and help Carmen, Amanda's mother, try to get him back on his feet. Unfortunately he could only hold his own until the end of April.

My dad and Carmen, had both gone to the same high school back in Sam Houston, Texas. They dated for a while but she eventually ended up moving to Phoenix, my dad then met my mom at work. She was the boss's daughter, so of course he respected her and ran all her errands for her, he had fallen for my mother and had convinced her into going out with him. Everything seemed fine in the beginning, but soon after a few months of dating my mom found out she was pregnant with me. After two years of living with my dad and me, my mother decided that he can handle things on his own and ran off with some truck driver to New Mexico.

I couldn't understand how forgiving my dad was of her, he went on saying that they were too young and she still wanted to live her life. Even after all the crap I pulled as a kid, never once did he blame me for having to stay single and raise a daughter. He always made time for me by taking me out to the park, going to my events and matches. When we had a run in at the supermarket with Carmen, they seemed to have instantly clicked. Before we knew it my dad and Carmen were both engaged to be wed, and I had a new family.

"Olivia!" Amanda chirped, "What's your dorm number?" I lifted up a few of the boxes, proceeding to the dormitory. "I think it was 327, two doors past the vending machines." I responded, Amanda grabbed the remaining bags and followed shortly after.

We managed to find my dorm room at last, as I sat my bags down I noticed someone else's bags were already inside. "Guess your new roommate beat us here, but where is she?" Amanda asked poking her head through the doorway. "Getting the rest of her stuff maybe? But damn look at her bags, they're all Louis Vuitton..."

"That's right, now can you quit gawking at my stuff and move?" A voice snapped from behind, we spun around only to see a short light skinned girl with curly brown hair, her eyes were a piercing ice blue. She stared at us with a hand on her hip, the other hung at her side holding another Louis Vuitton bag, her face made an annoyed expression.

Amanda had realized the girl was talking to her, with a swift step she glided away from the door giving an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you standing there." Amanda smiled politely looking at the girls stuff once more. "Man you got a lot of things in here, looks like a sweet setup!"

The girl looked at Amanda with a nasty look. "I guess, but don't dare to think of touching my stuff okay? I don't know you and I don't care to get to know you, let's just get through this year without any incidents."

"Hey step off alright? That's my sister you're talking to, she was complementing your shit." I shot back at the girl, Amanda shook her head slightly tugging at my shirt.

"Oh so you do speak, just who the hell are you to speak to me that way?"

"Olivia, your new roommate."

"Well Olivia, I can already tell I'm going to hate you. For the record my name is Emily, don't cross me again."

Before I could snap back, Emily strolled into the room dropping her last bag onto one of the beds, she sat down testing the springs and durability. "There's no way I'm sleeping on this crap, where the hell is Daniel with my bed?"

As she spoke we could hear something being dragged across the tile floor. "Make way ladies, handsome dudes coming through!" A voice shouted, Amanda and I both turned to see the commotion, a Caucasian male was pulling the mattress as he guided it through the hallway. He seemed fit and well groomed, he had a goofy smile and soft looking blond hair. "Almost there buddy, just a little more." The guy commanded as he approached our doorway.

The guy had stopped pulling once he was at the door, Emily got up rolling her eyes. "Ugh finally! I thought you morons got lost on the way up here." She poked his chest with her pointy nail, her face as sour as before. "Come on babe, that thing is no joke pushing up three flights of stairs." The male wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to his.

"Get a room you two, can we just move this thing in already?" A voice spoke from behind the mattress, I froze in place at the sound of the other male's voice. "No way... Spencer?"

"That's my name, who said that?" His muscular tan physique leaned out to the side, it was him. He still looked the same as the last time I saw him, his strong facial features, and his jet black hair with the faded buzz spiked up. That was Spencer, the brother of my best friend Helena.

Spencer's face lit up like a puppy. "Olivia! You're back!" He began making his way over to me, his arms extended outwards, I laughed as he pulled me into a tight embrace until his friend called out. "Dude the mattress!" They both caught it in time, Emily rolled her eyes and motioned them inside the room. "Just move it inside before you guys ruin it." Spencer gave an apologetic smiled and leaned over. "I'm sorry we have to help her unpack her stuff, but meet me by the café at 3 okay?

I smiled and nodded looking over at Amanda who gave me a sly grin. "Definitely, we need to catch up." I waved him off as the two guys began moving the bed into the room. "You're still totally head over heels for him, Olivia. It's written on your face!" Amanda mumbled as we both began to walk over to the elevators. "Shut it, Amanda! I'm over that crush phase, can we just please walk to the book store? I still need my History textbook." Amanda giggled as I clicked the first floor button. "Whatever you say sis."

[A/N: Well that concludes the first chapter of The Story of a Psycho, I hope you guys enjoyed! Leave some feedback, or recommendations if you have any!]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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