Chapter 2: Hey You Grabbed It.

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It was a morning filled with groans and moans throughout the town. Okay maybe I don't know that For sure but I was pretty sure. I mean at least mine was filled with moans and groans.

The bang in my head is constant my head was also on the rug surrounding the toilet looks like I was puking all night.Maybe it wasn't a great idea to drink more when I got home. But hey I was broken hearted. I got played then I played the player. I started a war. A war I was not ready for a promise of war and revenge I usually ignored. I gave my crush my first kiss and stole his.

Oh my gosh, I'm a thief. I mean if he wants I could return it. No problem.

Stop Penelope it's wrong to steal. Unless it's borrowing. That's what I'm going to do borrow a kiss and give it back.

Mind, get yourself together. You too body now get your ass up you have school.

Getting up I groaned why the hell did I agree to a party on a Sunday again. Oh yeah because he was there.

I really need to stop making decisions on his appearance. I mean last night was wonderful with the kiss, but not the floor part.

Oh, shit I kicked him in the balls. Oh, fuck what if I can't have kids. How are we gonna have our 4 kids? Oh my goodness he probably hates me. I mean this was not the plan.

Who the hell kisses their crush and then kicks them in the balls. Not me that's for sure.

I just hope I don't see him today. I will just avoid him I know most of his schedule anyways. I guess I'll be taking the longer way to class today.

Oh, fuck how could I forget we share 5 classes oh fuck I'm dead. I need food and support to survive the day.

Rushing downstairs I scream, "Dalilah where are you hoe. Make me food support me. I need you, Nanny McPhee."

"Shut the hell up it is too early for this. Why did we drink more when got back home? When we left we weren't even drunk. But no somebody wanted to drink more to get her head together. To forget so she could function. Now we have to go to school."

"Okay, so does that mean you are cooking or no. And I'll get our clothes together because we both know you are not the best at decision making in the morning and we need to be kinda early today." Let's just hope she doesn't ask why if she does I might get bitched at. Let's hope my powers are working today and She won't ask.

"Why do we need to be early." Damnit. I practice all night and I prayed that my powers would work and they didn't. They failed me.

"Umm because I need ninja practice and I have to meet my teacher and clean out my locker." That's a pretty good excuse, right guys. Well, I think it is.

"Could it be that your scared of a certain someone since you might have taken his ability to have kids. Or as you like to call them 'beautiful sweet children of your future that you will birth love and sometimes swallow' Right."

"Hey, I never said swallow we both now I said something worse. Or I think I did and I thought we wouldn't bring that up. I was drunk okay. Now go cook so we can eat dress and leave."

Scrambling up the steps I trip on a heel and my dress. Wait.

My dress how the hell did I not realise I was naked. How did Dalilah not notice my nudity?

Running into my room I grab a nice pair of black and a pair of blue high waisted jeans, light brown knee high boots, and white combat boots.

Running into Dalilah's room I grab a cream laced camisole with a jean jacket and a long sleeved pink shirt with lettering in white.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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