Chapter 1: The pregnant Serial Killer

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Hey. I'm Brannon Chance. Lets say my family is... well... very different. Some people would call us weird. My mom Virginia is a maid for Knock Knock Knock housekeeping and my dad Burt owns a yard and pool cleaning service which my brother, Jimmy, and cousin, Mike, help with. My Maw Maw is my great grandma on my mother's side. She had dementia and is only lucid for a few minutes at at time. That's everyone, one big happy family. Or atleast it was everyone at first.
It was dinnertime, which was kind of awkward. I found out Jimmy had quit his job earlier. "So, how is your journey to gind your meaning in life going?" Mom asked Jimmy sarcastically. "I haven't found my meaning yet but it's going good" Jimmy said. Maw Maw cane in the kitchen and smiled at Jimmy, '' Hey wilfred" she said. "Why does she always think im her dead husband?" Jimmy asked. ''Just go with it" mom said. Suddenly she kissed him. I busted out laughing so hard. The thing was Maw Maw was smoking abd blew the smoke into his mouth. I couldnt help but keep laughing. "Brannon stop laughing at your brother" mom said.
"Don't listen to her, it was funny" Mike said. I nodded. "Doggone it we are out of bubble gum ice cream" mom said. Jimmy was washing out his mouth, so everyone put their finger on their nose and said "not it". "Not fair" Jimmy said, and went to his van to go get the ice cream.
While he was gone, I went to mine and Jimmy's room. Yes, we share a room. I saw a picture on the desk, so i picked it up and looked at it. Jimmy is so weird. Someone knocked on the door. "Come in" I said. It was dad. "It's time for bed kiddo" he said, so I got in the bed and he turned off the light.
~~~~In the Morning~~~~
I woke up and put on my school clothes. I decided to get some breakfast before I had to leave. I walked into the kitchen. "Who is she" I asked. It was a girl with long brown hair. I didnt get an answer, because Jimmy walked into the house.
"There is the hero" the woman said. I sat down and ate some eggs, when Jimmy and the girl made out. I rolled my eyes. The woman went to the bathroom. The news came on and that girl, Lucy, was on it. They said she murdered her previous boyfriends. Mom grabbed the tv and hit it over the girl's head. "Call the police" Mom said. "I think i'll drive you to school now" Jimmy said, wanting to get away from everyone. "Yep" I said quickly getting up and heading to the car.
At first the ride was silent, until I said something. "You sure know how to pick them don't you" I said. "Shut up. How was I supposed to know she was a serial killer?" He asked me. I shrugged. "True. You were probably to worried about "getting it" I said. He gave me a look. "You shouldn't know what "getting it" means" he said. "Oh I do" I getting out the car. "Love you little bro" Jimmy said. "Love you to" I said.
~~~~~~~15 months later~~~~
I was on the bus headed home from school. When i walked in, i saw Jimmy holding a baby. "What? Who's baby is that?" I asked. Jimmy smiled, "looks like you are an uncle now." My mouth dropped to the ground. This couldn't be happening. "What's wrong?" Jimmy asked. "He is smart enough to realize what a new baby means, just like us" mom said. "Whatever. I need to get some baby things for the baby and I'm not driving with the baby until I get a car seat." Jimmy said.
"We aren't watching her. It's not to late to drop her off at the fire station" mom said. "Yea, you should" I said. I don't like babies. "I'm not taking her to the fire station. Fine, if you won't watch her I'll just have to take her with me" he said, annoyed. "By Jimmy" I said waving. He rolled his eyes and picked up the baby. He walked out the door and left.
"What is her name?" I asked. "Princess Beyonce" Mike said "cool name, huh?" He said. "Sure" I said, making a weird face at him. "Now brannon, I don't want you making this any harder on Jimmy than it is. He is already going to be raising it by himself." Mom said. "That won't last long" dad said. Mom ignored him. "OK" I said. "Can I use your phone mom?" I asked her. "Sure" she said, handing me the phone. I called my friend, Lamar. "Hello" he said "aye it's me" I said. "Wassup" he said. "I'm probably coming to your house later" I said "aight I'll be here" he said, so I hung up.
Just then, Jimmy started calling. "What's up" I asked. "Give the phone to mom" he said "okay" I said. "MOM!" I yelled, walking into the living room. "Stop yelling, what is it?" She asked. I handed her the phone, not saying a word. I went back to my room to pack a bag. A baby. Another person living in this house. Heck, she will probably even take my room. I thought to myself. I had a bag with some clothes. When I walked back into the living room, mom was getting ready to leave. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To go pick up your brother" she said. "Can i ride?" I asked. She nodded and motioned me to get in the car.
I did, so we went to get Jimmy. We got there, and Jimmy was holding the baby. I rolled my eyes. When he saw us, he got up bringing the baby and all to the car. He opened the back door and put the baby in its car seat. "Get in the back" Jimmy said. "Its your baby, you sit in the back" I said. I had my mind made, I was sitting up front. "Brannon get in the back" she said. "Yes ma'am " I said. Well, I changed my mind. I wanted to be in the back.
"Mom, can I go to a friend's house?" I asked. "No, it's a school night" she said. "Mom, we will go to school. I promise" I said. "She said no brannon" Jimmy said. "Whatever, I'll still go anyway" I said, bit expecting anyone to here. Apparently they both heard it. Jimmy turned toward me and said," I hope you try to go to his house. Trust me, you won't like the outcome" he said. I rolled my eyes. Mom turned around the corner, when the car seat fell over. I caught it in time. "Your baby fell on me" I said. "Oh no!" Jimmy said. "Just hold the seat brannon" mom said, so I did.
I couldn't lie, she was a cute baby. I just couldn't accept the fact that it was another person in the house. We arrived back at the house. I was really mad that I couldn't go, but I wasn't about to get in trouble. It was getting late, so I decided to go ahead and got to sleep. I later on my bed. A few minutes later, Jimmy came in and put the baby in the crib. We we're both almost asleep when the baby start screaming and crying. This is why I hate babies. I looked at Jimmy, and he looked as annoyed as I was. I went in the living room and slep on the couch, trying not to hear the screaming and crying. So, the serial killer's baby kept me up all night.

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