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Looking at the blackness of the sky I felt what I haven’t felt in years……an empty space inside me like a black hole that only left pain and unhappiness I always thought that I could get reed of all my emotions but after all this centuries I can now say that they were just hiding.

I JUST CAN’T TAKE IT ANY MORE!! Why is it me the one that gets hurt over and over again! He has it all and Stephan knows it. He had Katherine back then he knew it but then again is his fault we lost her, HE! Mr. Good the one that has to do everything right living me with the bad and dirty job! Well at least that’s what he made Elena believe, Elena oh my beautiful and sweet Elena how I wish it was me the one you care about!

PAIN AND REGRET fills me! Regretting all the bad that I had done living me feeling how slowly and painfully my heart breaks well what’s left   of it or if I still had one when I became a vampire, maybe that’s the reason that I act so cold blooded sometimes and maybe I wish I could go back and stop myself in becoming this monster that I had became.

For once I really want to care about someone, someone I could call mine someone that is there for me yes for once someone that is there for me and not Stephan! Someone that I can tell I love her!

I broke from my dreams and thinking by oh my if is not my dear little brother Stephan!

“Hey Damon you ok??” he asked

“Yes whatever I’m ok” I said

And with that I stood up and walked into the house muttering to myself “yes I’m ok, but not thanks to you” living Stephan behind talking by the phone and already guessing who he was talking to honestly couldn’t they rest a day without calling each other, pathetic! If I ever find someone I want her to be strong and who knows maybe I will find her soon, I just felt it deep in me.


heyy so im putting this story that i wrote sometime ago and i would really like to know what you guys think, should i keep writing??

also check:

 A dark collection of poetry

Dance with the devil 

 My BFF or swron enemy

Jane's Dairy

Letters to my fluffy friend

thanks kate  =)

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