H'orederves Part 1&2

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Harry’s POV

We finally had a plan. It took us four hours to come up with one, but we finally had one. Of course, some of that time was spent waiting on the reinforcement Eleanor had decided we needed to call in, in the form of my cousin, Dani.

“You’re a disgusting pig, you know that?” Dani spat at me after having sat through the explanation of why we needed her there.

“Yes, I do,” I agreed, because it was true, but it was also irrelevant at that moment. “Regardless, it’s not like that now. I love her and she loves me and she’s sitting in there with her father, unwilling to let me leave so that she doesn’t have to go through all this sh*t by herself. Now, are you going to help us, or not?”

“Yes,” she finally agreed and then gave me her signature bitch look. “But…I’m only doing this for her because you obviously took advantage of the situation. She doesn’t deserve to go down in flames for something that you’re equally as guilty of, enabler.”

I was fine with that, because she was right.

Dani was actually the one who came up with the ingenious plan. I was sh*t for contribution because I couldn’t get the thought of Ally wearing panties out of my head. It was a blatant disregard for my rule, a cheap shot, and she had to be punished…soon. I was so looking forward to it.

“Alright, team, let’s get out there and bring home the win,” Louis said, and as I walked past him, he grabbed one cheek of my ass firmly in his hand. I immediately stopped and turned to look at him with a raised brow.

“What?” he said with a coy smile on his face.

“You just totally grabbed my ass. That’s a gross invasion of my personal space,” I said with an I’m-on-to-you-look.

“Oh, pfft,” he scoffed. “Don’t be so full of yourself, honey. Although you do have a very cutie patootie, that was just an eensie, weensie, teeny, tiny smack on that fair derriere…like when one team player smacks another team player on the ass on the way out to the football field.”

“He’s right,” Dani said. “I’m a sports agent, I should know. I see it all the time. Kind of hot, if you ask me.”

“See, look.” Louis turned toward Dani and said, “Boobie gropes,” as he palmed both of her breasts and squeezed them twice. “Oh sh*t, them’s some nice boobies,” he sang, alternately weighing them in his hands. “Water bra, or boob job?”

“Bitch, please,” she said with a roll of her eyes as she grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands free at the same time she craned her neck around to check out his rear. “Butt pads, or is your ass just that fat?”

“Oh my God, sassy mouth!” he screeched as he playfully smacked at her. “I swear, if I didn’t fluv the dong so much, and you weren’t already married, I would so turn bi- for you.”

There was definitely way too much gayspeak in the room for my liking.

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