Chapter 2

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Chapter two

I got Camille before going to the house last night. We both collapsed immediately. We didn't get a lot of sleep and surprisingly enough tonight we actually get some.

But the next morning I get up earlier so I could make my father's breakfast before I woke Camille. I bought some eggs at the gas station. I was running extremely low on money and I didn't get paid until tomorrow. I cooked some for both dad and Camille. I didn't eat because I need to let them stretch out until tomorrow and this is all the food I was getting for the night.

I put it on his bedside table before bringing Camille her own plate. I shake her shoulder a little to wake her.

"Time to get up," I whisper in her ear and she sits up looking as though she didn't get any sleep. I sigh and hand her the plate as I get clothes to get dressed. There was a slight snow on the ground. It near the end of November. Next week is thanksgiving. We didn't celebrate here. We couldn't afford it plus what is there to be thankful for?

I pull on the same jeans I wore the previous day and a plain black t shirt which I pulled my jacket over. I tied up my tennis shoes that had more holes than not in them. They were way too small and I haven't had new shoes in a few years now.

Camille quickly pulls on a pink sweater and her jeans before grabbing her bag. She still had the dress laid out on a broken down table I brought in here some time ago. It used to be the table I would sit with my mom at playing cards.

My breath catches as my hand starts to shake again. I hide my hands from Camille and turn to look at her a smile plastered on my face.

"You should get outside. The bus should come soon," I say taking a deep breath. She glances at my hands and sighs.

"I will but can you do me a favor and relax? You are scaring me," she asks and I hug her. She was warm.

"Of course. Go to school. I'll see you after school," I kiss her forehead and follow her out of the room to watch her get out of the house safely. Almost as soon as the door shuts behind her my father screams.

"MY food is cold!" His voice travels through the house making my nerves jump. I walk into his room sighing as I walk.

He made sure to make me fall on my way out. I hit my head on the door and refrain from cursing aloud. I stand scraping the remaining food onto the plate. I quickly make another egg for him and speed out the door. I was going to be late.

My feet barely touch the ground as I run through the forest. I really didn't need to run but the speed helped block my thoughts. I kept my eyes on the ground careful to avoid the stray branches or menacing tree roots. I sometimes come out into the woods just to get away from everything. Camille always came with me though. Leaving her at home wasn't an option.

I hear the loud bells clanging like a taunting "you're late".  I grit my teeth my hands shaking and my nervousness growing. My head throbbed from earlier. It was not the worst that I have ever received though.

When I reach the edge of the woods I slow to a walk. No one was outside and it was strangely silent. I clench my teeth against the cold. The wind howls pushing me toward the school. My hair blows in every direction making it hard to see. I curse aloud as my toe hits the cement of the stairs. I try (and fail) to push my hair from my face.  When I open the door I am exposed to an abundance of warmth and I sigh brushing my hair back with my fingertips. I don't bother stopping in the office. They were used to me walking in late by now. I stop by my locker to grab my books and stumble my way to first class.

After the first couple of classes I felt my nerves growing. I could barely write during fourth period. When the bell rung I sighed in relief letting my hair fall into its curtain around my face. I let everyone step out before standing myself. I gather my books my head still pounding from morning events.

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