Three- testing, testing

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A/N: hey! There's a proper note at the end but just to set the scene for you: Alfie and Zoe are now back in England and Alfie has been admitted to hospital for tests.

Alfie's POV:
I've become a human pin cushion. A kind of scary nurse came as soon as we got into my room for the day and put this weird plug thing in my arm so they can take blood from it, then an IV in my hand which she hooked up to a bag of what looked to me like water. I'm so uncomfortable and tired, I just wanna go home to bed with Zoe and forget this whole thing ever happened. The doctor explained that I was having two tests today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon with a 'break' in between, I knew the first one was coming up and time seemed to be moving too slowly. After what felt like hours the first test came.
Zoe's P.O.V
The doctor came in and introduced himself as Dr Tanner. 'Okay Alfie,' he explained 'we need to take a sample of your bone marrow. In order to do that I'll be placing a needle into your hip bone.' Alfie winced and gripped my hand a little tighter, I ran my thumb over his skin reassuringly. 'We'll numb the area as much as possible but, I'll be completely honest with you, you are going to feel some pain when we reach the bone. The process is pretty quick though- the whole thing will be over in about 10 minutes and we'll give you plenty of pain killers when we're done. Everything make sense?' Alfie's skin had paled but he swallowed hard and nodded, 'let's just get on with it' he mumbled. The doctor nodded and gently turned Alfie onto his side, I shuffled my chair closer to his bed so that my face was nearer his, and took hold of his hand as the doctor lifted his shirt. Alfie shifted his eyes to the corner of the room, away from me in an effort to hide his nerves, but his grip on my hand tightened as the doctor wiped an area of his hip with cleaning fluid. 'Okay,' the doctor said 'take a deep breath in for me.' I circled my thumb over Alfie's fingers and he took a shaky breath, then his eyes squeezed tightly shut and his grip on my hand became almost painful as the needle entered his skin. 'You're doing great Alfie, keep that breathing steady for me.' Alfie's eyes opened as he looked around frantically for me, pain evident on his face. 'I'm here gorgeous, you're okay, it's nearly over' I whispered. The doctor nodded at the nurse who placed a gentle hand on Alfie's shoulder as he pressed the needle further in, causing a sharp whimper to escape Alfie's lips. His breathing became quicker and his eyes became watery before he shut them tight. I looked at the nurse worriedly 'don't worry,' she reassured 'that was the worst bit, it's nearly over now.' Alfie's breathing continued to quicken, 'ow ow ow ow' he mumbled under his breath as the doctor removed the needle from Alfie's already-bruising hip. 'You did a great job Mr Deyes. Nurse, could you administer 10mg of morphine please? That'll take care of the pain.' 'Thanks' Alfie whispered, without opening his eyes as the doctor left the room and the nurse pushed a syringe into the IV in Alfie's hand. 'This will feel a little cold for a second, but trust me, it's gonna make the pain go away. Do you think you can roll back onto you back, sweetie?' The nurse asked, Alfie nodded and tentatively turned his body back toward the bed. Just as he was about to settle back into the pillow he froze, his eyes widening. 'What Alf?' I asked, worried. I watched him swallow hard as he clamped his had against his mouth. Gathering what was about to happen the nurse grabbed a plastic container and held it beneath his chin, just in time for Alfie to heave into it, his hands shaking and back arching as water and bile fell into the bucket beneath him. It broke my heart, he looked so frail and sick, the usual pinkness from his cheeks completely drained. 'I'm sorry honey,' the nurse cooed 'morphine doesn't always get on too well with people's stomachs- it's really not your lucky day, huh?' she chuckled gently, Alf managed to muster a small smile in response, shaking his head lightly 'nope' he responded. 'I'll add some anti-nausea drugs into your IV, I just need you to breathe through it for a few minutes before it kicks in, okay?' Alfie locked eyes with me, I met his gaze reassuringly and nodded 'you're okay' I whispered. 'Okay.' He responded, sinking back into the pillow behind him. His eyes started to close and I pulled the blanket up around him 'love you' he mumbled. 'You too,' I smiled 'now get some sleep, we've got a little while before you have to do any more tests.' He sighed, pulling tightly at the sheets around him as he snuggled further into the bed 'mmhmm', he responded, already half asleep.

Alfie's P.O.V
When I woke up the first thing I was aware of was a throbbing in my right hip. The second was Zoe's voice, mixed with a voice I didn't recognise: 'we're going to take him up for a CT scan in a couple of minutes, it might be best that you wake him up first as the pain meds could make him a little disorientated' the strange voice explained. I heard Zoe sigh nervously and forced my eyes open 'I'll save you the job' I mumbled, trying to ignore the pain in my hip enough to give her a smile. I have a feeling it came out as more of a grimace. Zoe moved over to me, pushing the hair out of my face 'you okay?' She asked, her voice so gentle and reassuring, I closed my eyes and nodded, too sleepy to actually respond. I'm getting so tired of being tired. 'Alfie' I now recognised the other voice as the doctors, 'we're going to take you up for a CT scan now, it will take around 30 minutes. Don't worry, the painful test was the earlier one- you just need to lie still for this.' I opened my eyes, I had a feeling they were gonna make me do this. 'Is it like one of those big tube scanners?' I asked, cursing the apprehension that rose in my voice which caused Zoe to squeeze onto my hand a little harder. 'Yep,' the doctor smiled 'just like the ones in the movies.' I nodded, but my body had begun to shake as the nurse and Zoe helped me move into a wheel chair, the thought of being trapped in a tube for half an hour whirling round my mind. This was scarier than any huge needle. 'Hey,' the nurse steadied my hands as I finally settled into the wheelchair 'you okay there sweetie? Looking a little pale.' I opened my mouth to try and find an answer that I didn't want to give but luckily Zoe sensed I wasn't feeling too conversational and cut in, placing her hand on my shoulder gently. 'Alfie isn't the fondest of small spaces' Zoe explained, the nurse nodded understandingly 'well then maybe you'd better come with us Miss Zoe.' I breathed a sigh of relief, at least she'd be there with me.
I thought that on the short journey up a floor to the scanning rooms I'd psyched myself up for this and would be able to just close my eyes and let them do it, but when I saw the machine and the coffin-like space I'd be moved into my body let me down. It felt like someone had sucked all the oxygen out of the room, I was breathing but no air was going in. My vision began to change, shapes becoming less clear and colours all merging into one. I gripped onto the edge of the wheelchair as if it was the only thing keeping me from tipping off the edge of the earth and continued to suck in huge airless breaths. Just as I thought I was going to pass out a voice right in my ear brought me back into the room. 'Alfie!' Zoe exclaimed, he voice sounding distressed, 'gorgeous it's okay, look at me!' I snapped my head towards her and she placed a hand on the back of my neck, her fingers running through my matted hair. He eyes met mine, 'it's okay, Alf, it's all gonna be okay I'm right here.' I dropped my eyes downwards for fear of crying, my breath still catching in my chest slightly as saliva filled my mouth 'mgonnabesick' I managed to mumble, just in time for the nurse to push a plastic bowl towards me as what little I had left in my stomach forced its way through my throat and out of my mouth. I whimpered, giving up on playing it cool, I hate this, I feel awful and I don't want to have fucking leukaemia, never mind all these shitty tests. Zoe took the bowl from me and wrapped me into her arms. I breathed in her scent, playing with the ends of her hair as she helped me out of the chair and onto the bed for the CT scanner. 'I know it's hard' she was whispering 'I know, I know' over and over again, 'just lie down Alf, close your eyes, pretend we're in bed at home.' 'Alfie, put your arms over your head for me like this' the nurse asked softly, moving my arms upwards and laying them on the pillow above my head, 'there we go, now Zoe can hold your hand from the other side.' I closed my eyes, nodding as I felt the bed move inwards 'big breaths Alf, just like you tell me, just keep breathing it will all be over soon.' I felt Zoe's fingers intertwine with mine as the machine started whirring and a voice came through the intercom 'okay Mr Deyes, lie as still as you can please, this will all be over in a heartbeat.'

Hey! Sorry this took me so long!! I wasn't sure where to go with it for ages. We start to get more info in the next chapter I promise- I just needed to get this one out the way! Hope you like it xx

Zalfie sick fic: hard timesWhere stories live. Discover now