Pregnancy Blues.

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A faint colour of blue washed over the Mermaid's face as her eyes widened, hand covering her mouth as she shot from off of the bed to run to the bathroom - or whatever she could find what was suitable to throw up in if she couldn't make it in time - her Tiger trailing close behind her to help comfort his mate.

Slamming the door near enough off of it's hinges, Kagura dropped to her knees as soon as she was in front of the toilet, body instantly hunch in over as she emptied the contents of her stomach once again, for the third time this morning.

Leaning against the threshold of the door, Rogue watched his mate with a frown before walking over to kneel behind her, rubbing her back in comfort as his mind wandered.

He knew it was bad - Gajeel telling him stories of his experience with Levy when she was going through the early stages of her pregnancy - but he didn't think it would be this bad.

Feeling her body wretch under his touch, Rouge winced before letting out a sigh, his head hanging low.

"I'm sorry." he muttered.

Kagura's brows furrowed in confusion as she tilted her head slightly to catch a glimpse of him, "Sorry? What are you sorry for?" she asked, voice hoarse from vomiting.

"This. I didn't mean for all of this to happen to you. I'm sorry for putting you through it all, must be difficult for you." Rogue replied, his voice soft as he averted his gaze away from her.

The Gravity Change Mage let out a sigh upon hearing his words. It wasn't a secret that Rouge felt this way, although he hadn't expressed his feelings verbally, Kagura could sense that he felt somewhat responsible - well, he kind of is in a way - for her bouts of nausea, cravings and avoidance of certain foods and fatigue.

She often caught him with a worried look on his face whenever she suddenly ran to the bathroom or found herself dozing off in the middle of the day.

"Can you help me up please?"

Rogue stood to his full height, gently taking ahold of her hands as he slowly helped her stand, one hand loosing to place a hand on her hip to steady her.

"You shouldn't feel that way, Rogue. I knew what I was getting myself into when we decided to start a family," Kagura spoke, gently squeezing his hand as she smiled up at him, hazel meeting ruby. "Besides this won't last the whole pregnancy, just the first few weeks."

The Sabertooth Mage nodded his head in understanding, "I just wish there was something I could do to help you, I feel hopeless." he let out a huff of breath, his lips quirking into a small smile yet there was no meaning behind it.

A genuine smile grew on the damson-haired mage's lips as she placed her free hand on the dragon slayers face, her thumb stroking his cheek softly. "It's not like you can help much as it is, but you're always watching over me and making sure that I have what I need, that is enough. Just your support alone is more than enough for me."

A tinge of pink flushed Rouge's face as his smile matches that of his mate, "Well I do have to take care of my wife, that and you are carrying my first chi-" he was cut off by a tugging sensation on his waist guard. Looking down he saw his exceed standing beside the couple, hand still resting on the fabric of his clothes.

"Frosch, what's up buddy?" Rogue asked, bending down to pick up the frog suit wearing cat.

"Fro woke up and Rogue was gone."

"He was helping me, sorry about that Frosch." Kagura apologised, scratching the exceed behind the ear gently causing the cat to purr.

"That's okay."

"Go and sit with her, I'll be out in a moment. I just wanna freshen up." Kagura spoke, gesturing to the door before going to the sink, turning on the tap.

Rogue nodded, leaving with the cat in his arms as he returned to the bedroom. Returning to his previous position of laying against the headboard, Frosch curling up on his lap.

"Is Kagura okay?" he heard the exceed ask.

"Yeah, just feeling alittle sick that's all." the dragon slayer replied with a small smile.

"Is it the baby?"

Rogue nodded as he began to stroke the top of her head, "Yes, it is," he answered yet instantly shaking his head when he saw the worry start to build on the pink frog suit wearing cat, tears starting to build in her eyes. "Don't worry Frosch, she'll be better in a few days. It's not gonna last forever, okay?" he added, his tone reassuring.

The exceed nodded as it settled more into Rogue's lap just as Kagura had returned to the bedroom.

The sight of her dragon laying with his best friend, looking relaxed and at peace brought a smile to the Mermaid's face. Leaning against the doorway she watched as both of them enjoyed the silence, the dull sound of purring coming from Frosch as Rogue continued stroking her.

Kagura's mind drifted to Rogue and how he was with Frosch, would he be just as gentle and caring with their baby just as he was with his exceed?

She could only imagine how it would be in a couple months time; Rogue returning in the middle of the night after a quest, their baby resting soundly on his chest as he held it close as the small child grasped its fathers shirt in their hand. A smile ghosting over his lips, one of content.

The thought of that scene filled the mage with happiness, their family was slowly coming together.

Breaking out of her thoughts Kagura mentally scolded herself, Sting's words ringing through her mind.

"Ha, all this baby stuff has made you soft!"

She could still hear his snide tone and stupid smirk in her mind.

Kagura made a mental note that after she had the baby, that stupid Sabertooth master was getting destroyed by Archenemy. 

A small smirk grew on her lips at the thought.

"Whatever you're plotting, I'm praying for whoever is at the center of your schemes."

A scoff came from the Gravity Control mage, "What makes you think I'm plotting something?" she questioned before making her way over to the bed, climbing onto her side as she settled down on her side to face her mate.

"Feeling better?"

"A little," she shrugged, "I'm sure it'll pass soon."

Rogue nodded in agreement.

The small exceed stood up to move itself between the space of the couple, instantly snuggling down as it closed it's eyes, a smile playing on it's fuzzy green face as it closed it's eyes preparing to go into a deep slumber.

"I think so too."


~ authors note: -fart noise- That was my first ever time writing Fairy Tail stuffs, not going to lie, I feel it went pretty well for the first time. ~

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