Chapter 1

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Gerard was your average, well behaved high school student. Clever. Talented. Especially where art was concerned. Art was his favourite subject. It took his mind off all the bad memories. The bad things that had happened in his life. His mum drinking herself to the point of death. His brother Mikey leaving to escape from well everything. The only person left was Gerard's Dad. The worst person to be left with.

Gerard wasn't a popular kid. In fact. Even the 'geeks' had more friends than him. Each day. Gerard would have some new insult thrown at him. Each day he would be pushed into a locker. Or even punched in the face. Each day was just the same old shit.

Gerard sat at the back of his maths class. Right next to the window. He worked quietly. Drowning out the comments being made around him. Even the teacher didn't pay any attention to Gerard, but then Gerard didn't mind. He preferred to be alone. He was used to it.

"Oi emo freak" a boy shouted, throwing paper across the room at Gerard. Gerard ignored him and continued working. The teacher looked up.

"Harry. Get on with your work please" he sighed.

Gerard sighed and held his head in his hands. Soon enough the bell sounded. Gerard was shoved to the side. Making him last to leave the classroom.

"Oi Freak. I'm not done with you" It was Harry. The same kid that had thrown paper at Gerard in class. Gerard kept walking. Not looking back.

"Oi. Mate. I'm talking to you." Harry kept calling. Soon enough he was behind Gerard. He grabbed the collar of Gerard's shirt. Getting right in his face.

"It's not nice to ignore people. Didn't you learn any manners" Gerard didn't respond, he just shrugged his shoulders. Harry shoved Gerard to the floor and began to kick him repeatedly. Blood streamed from Gerard nose and lip. Harry spat on his cheek.

"That's what you get for fucking ignoring me. Fucking freak"

Gerard winced on the floor in pain. He could feel the blood run past his lips from his nose. The blood from his lip streamed down his neck. Staining his shirt.

He then felt a hand help him to his feet. The hand was soft. Almost like silk.

Gerard looked up to see a kid standing in front of him. He didn't look familiar in Gerard's eyes.

"Are you okay?" The stranger asked. His voice soft and sweet in Gerard's ears.

"Who are you?"

"Oh I'm Frank. I'm new here. Well I say new. I've been here two years no one has ever noticed me. So it feels like I'm new." Frank smiled. Gerard's eyes fixated on Franks pure red lips.

"Oh I've seen you about." Gerard smiled. "We were in English together? You sat in front of me. I remember now" Gerard smiled a little.

"Do you want to come back to mine. Sort that lip out.?" Frank asked, seeing Gerard wince slightly in pain. Gerard's eyes lit up a little. He used to have a serious crush on Frank. Very serious. He nodded gently.

Frank helped Gerard to get steady before the two of hem left the school.

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