/chapter one the mission

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Lex pov

Lex come on you have a mishon today Frank my boss shouted .

So I ran down the stairs to Frank you see I am only 14 so I have to live with my boss Frank he is a good guy he took me in when I was five cause my mom died in child birth and my dad and friends abused and raped me so Frank toke me in and I have been a spy and asasin ever since .

"Hey Frank what's my mission " I said.
"Here the detales are in the enverlope.

Dear lex

Your mission is to take down the red devils you will be going to wordrobe at 10am so the stilists can make you look older .

You will go see Joe so he can corate a new identety your name will be Kate you will be 18 .

When you get home we will have some visiters to train .

I am sorry that I had to tell you throw this letter but I had a meeting your new I.d is in the envelop with a bank set up for this mission speend as much as you need .

See you tonight

Love Frank

So here I am on my way to the devils hang out .

"What are you boing hear " a boy with Ted heir and blue eyes and a devil tattoo.

"Oh sorry I am lost can you help me out "I said .

"Sure we're you heading and what's your name " the boy said .

" I am trying to get to the s5 hide out and my names Kate what yours " I said ha ha not really my names lex l laght to my self.

" ok I will take you there my names James can I see your I.d you look really young " .

" Come on letts go inside I will take you there tomorrow " James said .

" ok then " I said .

Ha he's doing what I won't him to do by taking me to the hide ou t now I can take them down .

We got in side and I panigef to get most of them in hand cuffs but I had to kill a log of them but they did try to kill me first .

Now I am on my way back to base

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