Chapter Three: Unexpected Guests

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Claire and I stared at the person in-front of us trying to understand how this was all possible.

We watched him die in-front of our every eyes and yet he is standing here with a scar across his eye and the look he holds while looking at us from head to toe.

Ugh it made shivers run down my back. I shuddered under his gaze. Something about him changed all these years later.

"Well don't just stand there come give your best friend a hug my little twins."  He said with a sadistic smirk plastered on his once friendly face.

I looked over Claire and she nodded at me with twin telepathic we knew what needed to happen.

One a silent count of three we black flipped off the stage and sprinted to our personal guard and we used our powers to make a energy field around out pack.

Jimmy our once childhood friend stood there glaring at what we had done.

He threw his head back in an evil chuckle and his eyes glazed over with a red tint to them.

Slowly fifty plus rouges cam out of the woods and stood in line behind him bearing their teeth.

Our pack shifted and stood growling and hissing at the warning to stand down.

"Oh come on girls that's no way to treat me after all the memories we have together. Just come with me and no one will get hurt."

"No way in hell you bastard! We don't know what happened to you to make you this way but your no longer welcome on our territory and you know very well we are not your mates!? We still have ours out there somewhere and We refuse to go with you." 

Claire and I said in sync with our alpha tones mixed into once voice at him.

All the wolves in our pack bowed down in respect while most of the rouges barred there heads in submission to us.

Claire and I turned to each other and closed our eyes and thought of our angels and what they looked like.

Slowly we felt the change start  as our hair changed then our height, next our eye color and our clothes changing last.

When I opened our eyes I saw my sister standing there next to me with her eyes narrowed into slits glaring at Jimmy.

She was wearing a Brown leather outfit with her emerald eyes burning holes into the bastard across from us.

Her hair had changed into  golden straight hair pinned up in a neat bun with wisps framing her face.

I looked back at Jimmy and he stood with his eyes glowing blood red transfixed on Claire.

I started to feel the electric buzz flowing to my fingers as I built up an energy sphere preparing to release it on the rouges.

When I smelt The most amazing scent of fresh Italian bread and the soft hint of an expensive cologne.

She was just about to release it when we  heard a ferocious growl emanate across the yard and everyone goes silent and heads turn to look behind us to see where the growl came from.

I turn just in time to see the alpha from the strongest pack In the entire werewolf community the Celestial Beam Pack standing there in all his glory next to his twin brother both dressed in matching black Italian Suits.

Both were looking at Jimmy like they are about to rip his pathetic throat out. The tiwns their line of sight focuses on us.

Their soul piercing grey eyes hypnotized as as we try to contain

The next thing I know I'm falling towards the ground and a pair of arms catch me while a voice is shouting at me to stay awake as blackness surrounds me.

My last thought is that I finally found my mate.


I am so sorry everyone for not updating any of my books as I promised.

I will update the next chapter tomorrow and it will be longer if you guys want it to be. Please vote and make sure to leave comments!

Merry Christmas and Happy late Holidays to all my followers and readers!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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