Chapter Two

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Getting home was hell. Traffic in Seoul was horrific and dangerous, with cars trying to cut in front of each other constantly. Pulling in to the parking garage of the hotel was such a good feeling at the end of a long work day. Getting up to the hotel room was even better.

I shut the door behind me and set my heavy bags on the floor. I slipped off my shoes and headed to the bathroom to take off all of my make-up.

I plugged my phone into the charger I placed next to the sink and got ready for bed. It was almost midnight and cars were still honking and being loud outside. But that's just the hard part of staying in the craziest part of the city. I tied my hair up and left the bathroom, grabbing pajamas. I undressed and slipped on the comfy pajamas I bought when I was in Myeongdong on my one day break. I could hear my phone buzzing but I had worked too hard and was too tired to check any of the texts, so I turned off the light and buried myself in the fluffy white sheets of the hotel bed.

11:58 pm:
"Are you still awake? Sorry to text you so late."

12:00 am:
"I wish you were awake... I have an important question."

12:06 am:
"I want to bring coffee tomorrow, but I don't know if you like coffee or not. But since you're asleep, I'm just going to assume you like coffee. Goodnight~"


I woke up to the sound of a phone call. It echoed out from the bathroom and into the main room where I was asleep, causing me to jolt out of bed in order to pick it up. It was from a number that I hadn't saved in my phone but I had a pretty good idea of who it was.

"Seunghyun?" I asked, my voice a bit hoarse from just waking up.

"Yeah, it's me. I was just making sure you were up,since the director wants us all there really early today and I know there's a lot of traffic in the city where you're staying."

I looked at the digital clock. 

"It's 5:00, isn't this too early?" I replied, wiping my eyes.

"You'll thank me later. Did you get my texts? I'm bringing coffee today. So even if you aren't awake when you get there, the coffee will help." 

"Sounds good. Thanks for waking me up, I guess." I chuckled. "See you there."

I hung up and stared at my tired self in the mirror. I was used to early shoots, but normally I would wake up and just get ready on set with the makeup artists already there. But I guess Seunghyun recommended that I do otherwise.

I hopped into the shower after changing out of my pajamas and tried to be as fast as possible, almost slipping a few times. After I'd cleaned up, I turned off the steaming water and stepped out into the cold bathroom, reaching for towels. I wrapped the towel around me and quickly tried to dry my hair with another towel. I tied my hair up in a bun and left the bathroom to get clothes to wear to the set. 

I always wore sweats when arriving on set because I'd have to change into my movie outfit anyways. Seunghyun, however, always showed up fully dressed and looking like he was about to take someone out to dinner. I didn't understand why he put so much effort into an outfit he was going to have to change out of anyways, but if it made him happy, I guess it would do.

I changed into some comfy sweatpants and a large black t-shirt. I looked sleep deprived and vaguely of a zombie, but the makeup department works miracles.

I checked the clock: 5:45.

I pulled my phone off of the charger and texted Seunghyun.

5:46 am:
"I'm already ready and it's still so early. Whyyyyy"

He replied:
5:51 am:
"Do you want me to swing by before the shoot and we can go over our lines real quick and I can drive? I don't live that far."

Why did he want to practice lines when we had already gone over the script multiple times before? But I couldn't turn him down. He was just trying to be nice.

5:52 am:
"Sure :) I'll be waiting."

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