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    You are you, right? Now, assuming you already knew that, we can move on to the next question.

   Do you know you?

Yes, there's the obvious answer to which you say: "Yes of course I do.". But, darling that's not what I'm asking.

   Do you know you?

Not your favorite color, not your favorite actor or what kinds of cereal you prefer over others.

  I mean the deep shit.

   How often do you feel alone? Have you come to the conclusion of why? Why do I feel like a single chair in an empty, white room? When, in fact, I know there are chairs outside the door?

  How often do you become aware of what your feeling? Do you know how to describe it? What if
you can't? What do you do? Who do you tell? Your parents? As if you'd actually tell them something, you know you're setting yourself up for either a lecture or a life lesson.

   So, here, let me make it easy for you. A list of feelings. With descriptions. You've felt some of them, whether you know it or not, or whether you knew how to describe it.

    1. [SONDER]: the realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.

    2. [RUBATOSIS]: the unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.

    3. [JOUSKA]: a hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.

    4. [VEMÕDALEN]: the frustration of photographing something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist.

    5. [LACHESISM]: the desire to be struck by disaster- to survive a plane crash or lose everything in a fire.

    6. [CHRYSALISM]: the amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.

   Whilst you squirm and point at the words thinking "oh my god, that's so me", lets dwell on this last one.

   Because, while chrysalism is the feeling you get while you're indoors during a thunderstorm,
couldn't this be applied to a different situation?

  Have you felt this being next to someone? Are you just now realizing it? The comfy feeling of knowing nothing outside can hit you, touch you or come in contact with you? Feeling safe in the house, i.e. the arms of someone.

  Well, Amelia does. And just like you, she didn't realize it until she felt it.



    so here i am editing bc looking at the old versions makes me kinda cringe so ya

    love you all

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