Free Falling - Chapter 5

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Copyright © 2011 Kirsty Moseley

                                                         Chapter 5

Just as the car was about to smash into him, he jumped straight up in the air, a two footed jump. The car was still going forward so as he landed his feet hit the hood of the car. What happened next I couldn’t be sure of, but it looked to me like he ran up the windscreen. I heard footsteps on the roof and finally the car screeched to a halt.

I twisted in my seat, covering my mouth, stifling the scream that just continued to rip its way out of my throat. I looked out of the back window and saw him do some sort of backflip off of the back of the car. He landed gracefully on his feet and then turned back to look at me.

My heart was crashing in my chest; my drunken brain was unable to take in what I had just seen. He has just jumped onto the car, ran over the top of it and then done a somersault off the back? Am I dreaming right now? I fumbled with my seatbelt and jumped out, my whole body shaking.

“Are you fucking blind? Did you not see me there?” he shouted angrily, waving his arms to make his point. 

I whimpered and slumped against the car for support, still unsure as to what exactly happened. I gulped and gasped for breath. This was definitely the worst night of my life. Luke had cheated on me, and now I almost killed someone and was going to be in so much trouble for driving under the influence. “I’m so sorry,” I croaked. “Are you okay?”

He waved his hand dismissively. “Fine. You should watch where you’re freaking going though. You could have killed me!” he growled. My legs wouldn’t support me anymore; I nodded and slid down the car and onto the floor, pulled my knees up to my chest and sobbed, rocking myself gently. “Er, look it’s… don’t cry about it… I’m fine,” the guy soothed, obviously uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled again, pressing my face against my knees.

“Forget it, it’s all good. I kinda wish I had someone to tape that though, I could have added it to my profile,” he said, laughing to himself.

Profile? What on earth is that about? I sniffed and turned my head, wiping my face on the back of my hand. “What profile?” I asked. “How did you do that anyway? What did you do? I just don’t get it. One minute you were in the road and the next you were jumping down from the roof of the car, not a scratch on you.” I shook my head in disbelief, my voice breaking as I spoke. Maybe this really was a dream like I thought earlier. Maybe this was an alcohol induced nightmare. Or maybe this was something out of a fantasy movie and he was a vampire or werewolf or some other dark and dangerous mythical creature.

“Parkour,” he replied, shrugging.

Par-what? “Huh?”

He smiled and pushed the hood of his sweater down so I could see him properly. He was a good looking guy, brown eyes, shaven dark hair, and a strong jaw. If I wasn’t in love with Luke I would have said this guy was hot, but I never looked at other guys like that really.

“Parkour. Freerunning. Not heard of it?” he asked sarcastically, looking at me like I was stupid.

I gulped. I’d heard of freerunning but not the word parkour, was that what that was? The whole jumping onto a moving car and running over the top of it to avoid being crushed to death? “Oh, yeah I’ve heard off it. I’ve just never seen it. That was just,” I trailed off, not having the right word to complete the sentence.

“Amazing?” he offered, smirking at me as he ran a hand over the back of his head, obviously proud of himself.

I shook my head. Amazing wasn’t exactly what I was going for. “Weird and scary more like,” I admitted.

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