final : "i just want him back"

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"The way you cry, the way you smile—I wonder how big they mean to me."

"Christmas is no near already!"

Baekhyun exclaims as they walk down the street. Right next to him was his best friend, Chanyeol. Of course, the tall and lanky Chanyeol chuckles at the excitement of the petite cutie Baekhyun. "Have you grabbed a present for me already?" Chanyeol asks while holding the strap of his bag.

It was an ordinary night; it's December 19. The light posts flickered which is why it was dim. There were no people around. Chanyeol's quite concerned about Baekhyun since the latter is a bit clumsy and dense.

Byun Baekhyun's so dense that he's blind to the amount of affection Chanyeol's giving him. It's quite unfair. He wishes that Baekhyun would realize that he's already there. Not that Chanyeol is saying that Baekhyun likes someone else; in fact, Baekhyun isn't interested to date.

A sigh comes out of Chanyeol's lips. He's hopeless.

While Chanyeol quietly pities himself, Baekhyun was looking up at the sky. He wanted the first snow to happen already. December is already coming to an end yet there's no snow.

Just as he was going to turn to Chanyeol, he felt something cold pressed against his neck. His eyes widen then he stays frigid.

There was someone—no, two people who want to steal money.

"Help me." Baekhyun croaks. Chanyeol was right next to him and just as he was about to attack, he felt a gun pressed hard at his back. "Give me your money." The man barks and Chanyeol stands still for a moment.

He looks at Baekhyun who is about to cry out of fear and panic. A knife was pressed at his neck, ready to slit his throat. Chanyeol wasn't going to give up like this; he needed to protect Baekhyun.

Quickly, he jabs the stomach of the man with his elbow and punches his throat. He strikes the other at the face and he throws the knife away.

"Baek, are you okay?" He asks worriedly and Baekhyun nods, and he still managed to smile despite the tears falling off his eyes.

Chanyeol was ready to bring Baekhyun back home but he was pushed away. It was so strong that he fell to the ground. He was lost; he didn't know why he heard a gunshot.

He looked up. "No!" He yells as he sees Baekhyun with a stain of red right at his chest. Chanyeol gets up from the ground and catches the other from falling down hard.

Chanyeol, this time, is the one crying as he gets his cellphone and contacts the emergency number. While he was bellowing at his cellphone, Baekhyun looked up at the sky.

Despite the fact that he's dying and his vision is starting to fade into black, he still smiled. He was reaching for Chanyeol's hand and when the latter held it tight, his smile grew wider.

"Chanyeol, I'll see you again. There's no need to worry." Baekhyun fights for air and Chanyeol was not ready yet. Baekhyun can't die, he thought. "So stop crying like a baby."

Those were Baekhyun's last words. Chanyeol screams as the other's grip suddenly loosens.

Everyone was right in front of Byun Baekhyun's body right in the coffin. His parents were crying very hard; his older brother was glaring at Chanyeol.

As of today, he's a persona non grata. Now, he just wanted to turn time back and let himself die rather than Baekhyun. Chanyeol didn't want any of this. Why did he have to witness this at Christmas day?

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