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My name's Sonia and I'm 17 years old. I live in Athens, Greece and I'm the singer of a band called "Music's Dead". I have black hair and brown eyes -I know, nothing special.

My best friend's name is Hayley. She's the lead guitarist of the band. She's also 17. She has amazing blond long hair and brown eyes.  

Harry, the drummer, is 18 and is dating Hayley. He is brunette with blue eyes.

Steven is the bassist and Harry's twin brother. They don't look alike though. He has blond hair and grey eyes. I find him more attractive than Harry!

Lastly, Andy, 18 years old, is the rhythm guitarist and screamer of 'Music's Dead' . He has brown hair and green eyes. We used to date for almost a year and then we broke up 4 months ago but we're great friends... 

There is a problem... Last night Andy and I went to a party together and we kind of got drunk. I was more drunk so he decided that he should take me home with his car. Since it's summer, my parents decided to go on vacation for a month or so and I'm living with Hayley in her house. Her parents are also away so they didn't want her to be alone. It was around 4 am and we kept talking and laughing and suddenly, he kissed me. It was a passionate kiss like he really wanted it. I was drunk and I didn't have the strength to refuse. I kissed him back.

After a long kiss he started taking my dress off. Fortunately, my phone rang before we did anything wrong that could ruin our friendship. It was Hayley, asking if I was okay because she knew I was with Andy. She also wanted to tell me that she would spend the night -or what's left of it- at Harry's place so I wouldn't worry.

"It was Hayley. She said that she will stay at Harry's house. I think you should leave now. Thank you for bringing me home." I said a little bit worried.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay? I can stay if you want" Andy said.

"Yeah, don't worry" I lied. I didn't know if I was gonna be okay. I'd be alone in a big house but I couldn't let him stay here. I didn't want anything to happen.

He said sorry about what happened earlier, kissed my forehead and left.

Author's note

Hello :)

First of all thank you for reading my story. I know this chapter is short but I wanted to introduce you some of the characters. In Chapter 1 you will see more!

I want you to know that my best friend, Myrto, is helping me with this story because it's my first one. 

The guy in the photo is what Andy looks like ;')

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