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By the time you guys read this I will be gone. I just want to make sure it's done properly.


My buddy. Thanks for being here for me and being the best bro ever. I know that we may never see each other again but thank you for being there. And this isn't your fault... It's nobody's but my own. She left me... Love you bro.



Take care of Hazza, he thinks it was his fault. It wasn't .. Perrie left and I don't want to stay without her. I wanna thank you for being the best bro and being there for everyone. Now you have to be strong and be here for everyone for me ok?

Love you.



Take care of ivy bro. Behave and be the best you can be. Eat all you want and stay as funny as you've ever been bro. Love you

- Zayn


I know we had our ups and downs. I love you like a bro dude and you're awesome. Don't let anything discourage you from true love. Take care of yourself and the boys for me and watch over the girls (JESY, JADE, L-A, IVY) It would mean so much to me. And hold onto juliet she seems amazing. Love you bro. 



Hey little sis, please behave and take care of yourself remember what I always said to you to follow your heart. Be as amazing as always and take care of Ni for me. I love you .



Thanks for being so sweet and awesome but with out Per, I just can't stay here. Love you guys and if she comes back tell her I love her please? Make sure she finds true love. Make sure she takes care of herself and finds someone who makes her a lot happier than I made her....

- Zayn

Sorry guys.....

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