You are my cousin

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Hey! It's 1:00 am and I'm at the airport. Gonna get home at like 2:00 so yeah anyways, onto the boring story...

Laxus P.O.V

     "So, let's begin by telling you who your cousin really is...." Gramps begins, 'MY COUSIN?!?' I thought, 'MY FREAKING LONG LOST COUSIN?!?' I screamed in myself but kept cool. But why the hell are the Ms.Weaklings here? "You'll find out in a second Laxus." Weakling no.1 (Lucy) said. "Is it just me or did you just read my mind." I said, "Yes I indeed did." "Oh I see, little weakling has learned herself some a new skill." I said. "......" "AHEM...." Gramps said, then we turn our attention back to him. "Will you brats stop fighting?!?" He screamed in our ear, annoyed. "Oops." Lucy the weak dude said. "So... As I was saying before I got rudely interrupted by someone, Laxus, you cousin is one of the ladies sitting in front of you. In fact, the leader of this group." Gramps told me, "Your joking right? None of My blood, OUR blood is THIS weak." I said, and laughed. "No Laxus I am not joking. Fine, if you say they're weak, challenge her to a duel." He suggested. "Fine, I will win this." I said, and we went outside.
     "Ready?" Gramps shouted. We took our battle stances,"GO!" He yelled, and I made the first move....

Lucy P.O.V

     "GO!" Gramps shouted, and Laxus yelled, "Lightning dragon's roar!" I didn't dodge or eat, "Water wolf's piercing fangs!" I yelled at him, the 2 attacks collide, mine overpowered his, and electrocuted him instead, because everyone knows what happens when you mix lightning and water... "Aarrrggg!!!" Laxus groaned, "Lighting dragon's wing attack!" He yelled again, losing a lot of his magic energy, "Earth fairy's chanting!" Again, my attack overpowers his. This is only 2% of my magic power, I'm disappointed in my cousin. Before he could do anything, I made a move, "Dark dragon's secret art, hell of chaos!" He was knocked into a tree, then another one, then another one, and smashed into the third tree. Poor trees....
     I went over to my cousin and he was conscious, but it's obvious who wins."Man.... You really are my cousin. Hehe." He smiled. HE SMILED?!? Okay then.... "So...." I began. "You know, I need the infirmary right now..." Oh! Oops.... Forgot I just beat him up! "Oh sorry man! I forgot. Angel soul, Angelisa's amour!" I yelled, and I got transformed into a white dress with golden edges around the dress. It had beautiful angel wings and it can change colours too, I changed it to blue, it came with a small crown and a halo, I grabbed Laxus off the ground and flew him to the guild's infirmary.

I'm sry about the short and crappy chapter but it's 2:25 rn so.... I'll try update more tomorrow not like anyone actually pay much attention to my story but thanks for the 400 reads so far! Merry Christmas Eve or happy holidays if you don't celebrate, BAAAIIIIII!!!


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