Aergare Woods

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Aergare Woods


The first line is the most important part of a book (that wasn’t it).  I’m never very good at starting stories. I always know how it’s going to end, or what the best parts will be, or what’ll happen in the middley bit that no one has a name for. But I never know the starts. It’s by far the most important bit of the book. It sets the scene. It shows the readers what emotional roller coaster they’re letting themselves in for. That’s why I’m doing a prologue. There’s no story, just a skinny, long haired boy (that’s me) typing furiously at his keyboard about how he can’t start a story, just having a rant. Which I suppose is a story in itself.  Although it’s not very exciting though. I can hardly see a film about it, but films of books are rubbish anyway, so it wouldn’t matter. That’s not what this story is about anyway.

It’s an adventure book about a recently orphaned boy who must travel through Aergare Woods to find out how his parent mysteriously disappeared 4 months before. There’s drama, adventure, death, bits you’ll laugh at, bits you’ll cry at (if you’re a bit of a pansy), and all out epic fight scenes with the creatures that live in the woods. But the thing our hero has to look out for is Gonwa, the almighty deity of the woods. Taking the form of a large silver serpent, she punishes those who dare to trespass upon her territory with death.

So like I said, with a book as awesome as this, you’ve got to get the first line absolutely perfect. Watch this:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2011 ⏰

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