Ch. 1 - Meeting the New Family (sort of)

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Chapter 1-

I've been stuck in the middle of nowhere for almost 3 days and not a single car has passed. It was just my luck when someone pulled up beside me. Or so I thought. "Please sir. I've been stuck here for 3 days and I'm really sick and tired and thirsty. Could you please call the police?" I begged the person. I could barely see him, but I saw that he had tan skin and a small beard. "I'm sorry, I can't do that." he said with a smirk. I saw two huge men emerge from the car. "Wha-" I was cut off by the sound of laughing, and then darkness.

I woke up in a strange room, on the floor. I noticed there were two beds; one king sized and the other a twin. There was a small couch and it seemed like a big enough place to live. I attempted lifting my head up, but failed when I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I let out a loud groan. Almost an instant after I did, the door slammed open. "YOU'RE TOO LOUD! KEEP IT DOWN!" the man shouted firmly. "I'm sorry...? I whispered, wondering what to call him. "I said shut up! Oh, and don't bother asking for my name, just call me whatever you want!" he shouted, waving me off and slamming the door shut. I heard a whimper come from the other side of the room. I peeked my head over, with great effort, to see a small boy. He looked about 4. "Hello." I said, reaching a hand out to him. He flinched and scooted away from me. "It's alright, I'm not gonna hurt you." I said. The boy moved closer and took my hand, coming out of the corner. I noticed he had small scrapes and bruises. Poor kid. I wonder if that man did this to him. "What's your name, lad?" I asked, sitting criss-crossed. He just shook his head and gestured to his lips. "You don't talk?" I asked. He shook his head. "Alright...well..can you write your name?" I asked, pointing to a half open drawer that had pens and paper in it. He hesitantly nodded and grabbed the utensils. After about a minute, he handed me the paper. I saw in tiny letters, he had printed out, "George". I smiled. "Alright, so I'll call you George." I said, ruffling his hair. After a while of talking..well, me talking, him writing, I got to know his favorite color was yellow, he's Scottish, and he likes flamingos. He also told me he used to have a sister, Hayley, but his mum kept her. "Did that man do this to you?" I asked, pointing to his cuts and scars. He nodded. He wrote down, 'I call him Mister.' "Mister. I'll call him that too." I said. He put a finger up to his mouth. 'Quiet, he's coming' he wrote. I nodded and scrambled to the other side of the room. "YOU SON IF A BITCH, GEORGE! I TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK TO PEOPLE!" Mister yelled. George looked at me. I sent him a look as if to Say, "It's gonna be ok." He nodded and looked back at the burly man in front of him. "THOSE WERE MY SON'S. YOU'RE GONNA PAY!" He screamed, picking up the little boy by the legs. I gasped. "What are you-" "QUIET!" he yelled back at me. He let out one last laugh before slamming George's body against the windowsill. He was dead.


I woke up to the slamming open of a door. I shot my eyes open, staying alert. It was, of course, Mister. I scowled silently as he made his way towards me. "You're getting punishment too." He said. "For what?" I mumbled out, scared for my life. "For talking to him AND disobeying me. But dont worry, you won't die." I let out a sigh of relief. He slammed the door shut and ripped off his shirt to reveal dozens upon dozens of hair. I grimaced. I know what's about to happen. "Now, when I kiss you, kiss back. Got it?" he smirked. I nodded quickly, wanting to get this over with. He threw me on the bed and ripped off my shirt, eyeing my chest. "You're pretty fat, but you'll have to do." he said, leaning down and kissing my neck. He slowly started to suck and bite. Hard. And not a good kind of hard, more like vampire bite hard. I screamed in pain as he threw a hand over my mouth. He moved his lips and I whimpered. I felt blood seeping down my throat. I gasped as I saw blood dripping from his lips. Was he drinking my blood?! Disgusting! He moved down and undid my jeans and pulled down my boxers. I whimpered again as I saw him do the same. He didn't hesitate to line himself up and push in. He didn't wait for me to get used to it. He just pushed. Fast and Hard. I screamed louder than I ever thought I could and began crying from the pain. I could feel my insides tearing as he pulled out. Good thing he did before anything happened. I drew in deep breath and let out a shaky one. He just smirked and walked over to me. He put his length up to my mouth and forced it in. I slowly bobbed my head up and down as he literally SHOVED himself down my throat. I felt multiple tears run down my face as I nearly choked. I heard him moan as I went faster. After about a minute I felt liquid in my mouth. I took him out of my mouth, thankfully. He threw on his clothes and walked away. "LIAM! COME BEAT THIS BOY! HE'S TOO FAT!" I heard him yell. I hadn't even noticed I was tied up to the bed until now. He must've done it while I wasn't paying attention. My mind went back to what he just said. He was right. I am fat. A worthless, fat, nothing. Maybe that's why my mum abandoned me. I'm just her fat, gay son. I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. Theres no use in holding them back. I let them run freely down my face as I let out a sob. "SHUT UP!" I heard a voice yell. I looked over and saw probably the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen. He had brown, quiffed hair, and big brown eyes. He was wearing a black v-neck, a black jacket, and black skinny jeans. "I'm s-sorry." I choked out, still gawking at him. I saw a long metal bat in his hand. He walked over to me and leant down. "You ready?" he whispered in my ear, voice deep. I shook my head and let out a shaky breath. "Too bad." he smirked and stood back up. "This might hurt." he chuckled and slammed the metal bat into my stomach. I let out a bloodcurdling scream as I let the tears roll down. "Shut up." he said, sternly. I nodded my head vigourously. He eyed my naked body, looking me up and down. "My father was right. You're fat." he snarled. I held back my tears. "I bet that's why your mother abandoned you." he smirked again. "How did you-" I was cut off with another blow to the stomach, in the same place. I let out a loud whimper, as I was scared to scream. I let out multiple gags and rolled over on my side, coughing. I noticed something coming out of my mouth. Something red. Blood. He bent down in front of me. "What's your name?" he asked me. "Lou-Lou-Louis." I choked, spitting up more blood and vile. "I'm Liam. It's nice to meet you." he whispered into my ear. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


"GET IN HERE!" I heard Mister shout to somebody. I felt somebody being pushed on my bed and then falling off. "If you don't wanna end up like him, you two BETTER NOT talk to me or my son." Mister yelled. After a few seconds I noticed he left the room. "Is he dead?" a male voice asked. "I don't know." I heard another female voice say. Somebody moved their hand to my arm. "Hey, I wonder what happened to his stomach." the male said, touching me where Liam had struck me. I howled in pain and opened my eyes. I groaned at the light and coughed up more vile. I saw a girl and a boy sat in front of me. My breath quickened as I scrambled farther away from them. "Who are you?" I asked frantically. "My name is Darcy." the little girl said. I looked at the boy. "Harry. And trust me, we won't hurt you." he said, untying the ropes that attatched me to the bed. I rubbed my wrists as they had terrible rope burn. I slowly and painfully stood up, bending down and picking up my clothes. I winced as I put them on, and gagged a few times, but the task was eventually finished. I collapsed on the bed and groaned. "YOU UNTIED HIM YOU BASTARD!" Mister yelled, running in. Harry stood in front of the little girl, protecting her. "I'm going to punish you. But don't worry. It doesn't involve physical pain." he let out a dark chuckle. "Just emotional pain." he said, smirking. He pushed Harry out of the way and grabbed the little girl. "STOP! DARCY!" Harry yelled as the two big men that knocked me out tied him up. I saw the tears stream down his face. "Hey the firm didn't do anything!" I snapped. "DO YOU WANT LIAM TO COME BACK IN HERE?!" He screamed back. I shut up immediately. I watched as he raised a cleber up into the air and brought it back down into the small girl's head. Harry screamed and I gasped and threw my hand up to my eyes, not wanting to look. "Darcy, baby I'm so sorry!" Harry yelled in between cries. "Don't do that again." Mister warned, looking at Harry. The two men untied him and left. He crawled over to the little girl's lifeless body. I got off the bed and sat next to him. "I'm so sorry baby girl." he whispered, kissing her head. He took the knife out of her and threw it at the wall in frustration. "I'm sorry Harry." I whispered. "I'm glad it was instant." he said, cuddling up to her. "I'm glad she didn't feel pain." he said, brushing the hair out of her eyes. "I've seen two children die today." I said, burying my face in my hands. "And I didn't save either of them." I sobbed. Harry put a hand on my back. "It's ok, mate." he whispered, giving me a sympathetic smile. "NO PLEASE!" I heard someone yell from another room. "LET ME GO! I HAVE A BROTHER IN THE HOSPITAL! STOP!" The cries got closer. I noticed whoever this was, was Irish. The door slammed open and I crawled away from Harry. A small blonde boy was shoved to the floor. "You're too noisy." Mister said, shutting the door. "Hi." Harry whispered. The boy looked up at me and I almost fainted at what I saw.

His face was drenched with blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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