My Kidnappers Son (Lilo AU)

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"Where are we going mum?" I asked, jumping up and down in my seat. My mum laughed and shook her head. "I told you already, its a secret BooBear." she replied, smiling. I noticed something was off about her smile. The look in her eyes was almost showing...pain...terror...and most of all...fear. "Are you alright mum?" I asked, looking up at her. "I'm fine." she stated, gripping the steering wheel. "Now put this on." she said, handing me a blindfold. I tied it around my head as the car came to a stop. My mum took my hand and led me outside. After about 10 minutes of walking, we stopped. She let go of my hand and Sat me down. I waited for her to talk, but she never did. After 5 minutes, I started to get worried. "Mum?" I mumbled, confused. No reply. "Mum!" I called out. Again, she didn't answer my call. "MOTHER!" I yelled, still no answer. I sighed in distress and took off my blindfold. I gasped as I took in my surroundings. I was on the side of a deserted road. No houses, no cars, no life. I'm alone.


Go ahead, shoot me. I have, what, 50 stories in the making right now? I just get new inspiration a lot and start new stories and never make time to finish the other ones. Trust me, I'll update my other stories THIS WEEK. Pinkie swear. See ya!


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