Chapter Five

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Vickrim's Point Of View

I dropped two ice cubes into my glass before pouring the brown delicious river of whiskey inside, filling it up halfway as I plopped myself down onto the couch I had resting in my lounge. The afternoon sun came piercing through the window, blessing me with its heavenly light as I soaked it all in as a peaceful bliss took over my soul.

I took a sip of the dirty brown beautiful poison, feeling the cool sensation slide down my throat and exploded all over my body. My eyes stared into nothing as I sat there just enjoying the feeling of relaxation...but then that soon ended as my front door exploded open as if the police was about to raid my house, the motion was so quickly done with force, pushing me to grab the knife I had stored between the couch cushions while my eyes drew to the front door only to have Connor walk inside carrying two black heavy looking duffle bags.

"Don't you ever fucking knock?" I said as he threw the bags down onto the wooden floor with a smug look on his face.

"Unfortunately, I didn't have the luxury of having parents like yours who had taught me manners" he smirked as my eyes fell to the duffle bags he had dropped off.

"What's that?" I said pointing my glass at them as I placed the knife back into its storage place.

"The money I owe you." He replied walking himself further into my house, his steps had made the wooden floors creak as I nodded at the fact that he had returned what was rightfully mine.

"Where's my tires?" I smiled remembering how he had fucked up my current tires the other day, I swear this little shit was like my kid, he borrows my cars whenever he feels like it and walks around like he doesn't have a care in the world, taking no responsibility for anything. I always end up cleaning his messes and fixing the problems he purposely creates. I had killed many people to have Connor walk the streets freely, without being a target but then again I would do anything for him, he was like an annoying little brother and the closet thing I had to family.

"I'm working on it." He laughed as we both understood that he had completely forgotten, his feet stepped to where my whiskey was placed and then he forwardly poured himself a drink. Normally I would seriously be fucking pissed but in honesty I fucking needed a drinking partner so I excused his lack of manners this time and watched him take the couch across from the one where I was seated in and then he took a gulp smiling like a fool as his eyes watched me.

"What the fuck man? You in love with me?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Nah, I'm just thinking about that chick..." He took another sip as he had completely captured my attention, I cleaned my teeth with my tongue waiting for him to continue.

"What was her name again..." He teased as he pretended he had forgotten. "Delilah." He said smugly as he finally answered his own question.

"What about her?" I asked slightly intrigued by his words as I tried not to seem to fucking interested, I mean, what the fuck, why was I interested?

"She's cool." He said simply, shrugging his shoulders as I took a sip watching his facial expressions.

"She's cool?" I raised a brow, "Where did you take her to the other day when you left?" I grabbed the box of cigarettes from the table where the whisky had rested and pulled one slender stick from the box, stuck it between my lips and lit it as he had answered.

"You know, I took her home." He said bringing his lips to the glass, "but before that, I took her to get food." He finished off as I inhaled my little cancer stick watching him with slightly big eyes and raised brows.

"To get food?" I exhaled lifting my head up as my eyes pointed to the ceiling and then I let out a puff of smoke. "So, like a date?" I asked and was fucking taken away by all the questions I was asking. What the fuck was wrong with me, I don't fucking like her, if Connor wanted to fuck her that's none of my business, he could gladly do so. I don't fucking give a shit.

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