Sharks VS Paco and NueNue

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       Paco has been in this situation before. NueNue was terrified and swam behind Paco.  The sharks swim straight at them. Paco does a barrel roll right over them and grabs NueNue with him. They rapidly swim toward the surface. They can only see a faint outline of the sharks below them. The sharks swim in circles, confused where the two went. Paco and NueNue stay close to the surface and continue on their journey. They swim along happily, passing friendly dolphins and content whales. Then all of a sudden they see a clan. They swim over to ask if they have seen the narwhals. One of them turns around. It's NueNue's family.

       Ok so thank you guys so much for reading this. I wasn't expecting this to get as many reads as it did. I'm really sorry I haven't updated in like a few months. I wasn't expecting anyone to get so emotionally attached to this book! I'm hoping to update at least every week. Again, thank you so much guys! See you next week!
     P.S thank you for the fan art @thefashionauthor

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