Part Five - The Animagus

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Lily Potter changes quickly into a clean set of robes after her disastrous Flying lesson and then runs to Potions with Professor Slughorn. While hurrying down the stairs to the dungeons for potions, she bumps into Hugo, also on his way to the same lesson and both equally as late. They share a look of panic. She and Hugo sprint through the school, not wanting to be late to their second lesson of the day.

"Weasely! Potter! No running in the school!" A Hufflepuff prefect shouts from the top of the stairs. The cousins glance over their shoulders sheepishly and instantly slow their speed to walking pace.

Once again sharing a lesson with Slytherin - this Friday is not off to a good start - Lily wants a good seat so she doesn't get stuck next to Thomas Absworth or one of his annoying little friends. She's had enough of Slytherin for one day.

Much to their misfortune, when the cousins make it to the dungeons, Professor Slughorn has already begun teaching. The only available seats are next to Kye and Felicity. Hugo slides in next to Kye, leaving Lily stranded. She doesn't want to make the poor girl collapse again.

Surprisingly though, Felicity Columbus smiles at her invitingly from her seat, patting to the empty space. Lily beams and joins the Slytherin, slipping her potions textbook onto the desk.

"May I continue, Miss Potter?" Slughorn asks, eyebrow raised.

"Sorry sir, go ahead." She says, her cheeks turning pink. Lily hates being late. She wishes she had some sort of time machine that would keep her on time every lesson but, alas, she does not.

"As I was saying, potions are a magnificent form of magic..." Slughorn droned on and on, and Lily tried to pay attention - she really did - but she was too busy thinking about Absworth and how he hadn't thanked her for saving his life. The ungrateful little git. Anger stirs in her stomach, but Felicity puts her hand on Lily's arm realising something's not right. She snaps out of her rage and focuses on Slughorn again, silently thanking her partner.

The Professor barely has any time to assign the class a two-page essay on the types of cauldrons; he was talking for the whole lesson. Even Lily rolls her eyes at the stupidity of it all and packs her schoolbooks away hurriedly. She can't wait to leave and eat something - she hadn't noticed how hungry she was until Felicity had mentioned it, but now food is all she can think about.

Hugo, Kye, Lincoln, Felicity and Twyla are all waiting outside of the dungeons for her, animatedly talking to each other as though they had been friends for years. Lily smiles at the sight and heads towards them. As soon as Lily has caught up the band of friends set off towards the Great Hall for lunch.

"So, are you all missing your family as much as I am already?" Lincoln says, nudging Twyla and Kye.

"I certainly am not - Lily reminds me of my Mum with her constant nagging, and Rose goes to Hogwarts anyway. Honestly, they're all as bad as each other, I can't escape!" Hugo chuckles, shaking his head.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Lily says proudly. They all laugh heartily.

"What about you, Twyla? Do you miss your family?" Lincoln queries. Twyla shrugs her shoulders, eyes clouding over with sadness.

"I don't know who my family are - I was raised in a Ministry funded orphanage, until I was finally of age to come to Hogwarts." She shrugs, trying to shake off the awkwardness of the situation. However, Lily doesn't buy it and pulls her over to the side.

"Are you okay?" She says, placing her hand sympathetically on Twyla's shoulder. Twyla nods, blinking her watery eyes. Lily hugs her and smiles at her.

"I'm always here if you want to talk, Twy." She soothes. Twyla giggles at her new nickname, and soon the pair are in hysterics.

"Thanks, Lily. I've never had a nickname before. Sometimes I think that you should be a Hufflepuff - you're so kind!" Twyla says, wiping the palms of her hands under her eyes. Lily assures her it will stick.

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