...Still Liking an Asian

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It's been forever.

Literally six months and nothing has happened. I sit with him every day at lunch. I sit mere feet, sometimes inches, from him. But this kid... is impossible.

He's kind of almost a hermit but only to certain people. People like me. To all his other friends he has no problem chatting it up. But when I try to talk to him he just looks at me funny with those squinty eyes. I mean we've had some conversations, little chats here and there. Most of the time we tweet. When we tweet-we tweet a lot. Conversations for hours sometimes, about random stuff; music, food-mostly steak (we both like our steak medium rare), school, other hot Koreans. But in person it suuuucccckkkks.

One week he was pretty friendly. By that I mean he talked to me enough to give me hope. He also like 'kicked' me (I'm not saying it was footsies but I'm not saying it wasn't). And that was just in person, on Twitter we had full convos.

However, that wasn't enough for little ol' me.

The week of my birthday I told myself if he didn't do something that week then I'd give up on him. He did nothing. He did wish me happy birthday at 10:30 PM. And he said 'happy birthday' which I thought was pretty great because to everyone else on their birthdays he says 'birthday?' So honestly I did feel pretty happy.

Then the next week, we had leadership camp (we're both section leaders in the band) and I am sure he kept looking at me. I'm so sure.

But nothing happened.

So I gave up.

HOWEVER, it is extremely hard to keep that up because as soon as I decided that he decided to chat me up constantly. And he's so darn cute and smart and has good taste in music and nice teeth and he runs. These are things that I like in a guy. But I hate to waste my time.

I am positive that when band camp begins I'll go right back to crushing on him just like I did before.

To Be Continued... maybe

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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