Day 2 (part 3): Lorraine

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I was about to open the passenger seat when Henry stopped me from doing so. He said I should sit at the back because 'he couldn't afford seeing me beside him. I am an eyesore.' I did not argue anymore. I am too tired of fighting back and crying and if being silent will give me strength, then I'd rather not talk back. I need to be strong for my kids. I need to find the power to overcome.

I succumb to silence and remembered how Henry and I would enjoy going to our children's school. Back when they were still in Grade One, we would both drive them for their homeroom classes and before bringing me to my office, Henry would grab coffee from McDonalds and we'd drink coffee and sing and crack jokes until we make fool of ourselves. He'd kiss me and tell me how much he loves me and how happy he is that I am his wife. Those were the days...

I dialled my assistant's number to tell her to extend my leave and that I'll be off from work today and maybe tomorrow and the next days or maybe I won't report to work anymore not until I find my kids and she'd temporarily act as my OIC and lead the agency for the mean time.

After Vianna prayed for me last night, I thought I'd be able to be hands on again with the agency but with the turnout of events, I don't think I'd be capable of leading my team.

"Juliet, please make sure that King's Ballroom will be signing the Memorandum today. I'd be sending you instruction through email from time to time. If they'd ask where am I, just please tell them that I'm out of the country and am in indefinite leave."

"I'm good Juliet. Dont worry. I can handle myself. Your boss is a brave girl."

"I know. Yes. Yes. Thank you Juliet. That means a lot."

"Who? Derrick Rodriguez? Seriously? They need our services? "

"Oh. Please close the deal. Yeah. Im counting on you Juliet. I know you can make it. I'd be back soon. I just need space."

"Thanks again Juliet. I am glad to have you. I have to go."

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but wasn't able to.

"Do you have your shades with you?"---Henry asked.


"Shades. Yes. The black one. The one you usually wear."

"I don't have anything with me, not even my bag. I don't even have an idea how I got in our room."

"My room, not yours."

"Yeah, your room. How could I forget that?"

"Here, wear this."

Henry stopped the car and threw his shades to me.

"Let's keep whatever we have in private. Cover your eyes."

"I know."




"Thank you for taking care of me and running to my place, I could have died."

Henry didn't say anything and continued driving. I would steal glances from time to time and would catch Henry looking at me too. I don't know what's running in his mind but whatever it is, I just know that I still love him and if he really wants me out of his life and if that would make him happy, then I guess I'll just leave. To love someone is to sacrifice and let go even if it will cost you pain. I just hope that the CCTV will give us the answer.


Ms. Pearl, the school principal, has shown us the CCTV Footage and it was evident that there was no case of kidnapping at all.

After their class, they both went straight to the school bus service and found a way to escape the conductress and ran away. My twins seemed to ask permission to buy something from a store across the school and they were allowed to. It was clear that no one forced them or dragged them out of the school bus. They left the school on their own.

"It is very clear Ms. Pearl that your school's security is at fault. Expect a lawsuit tomorrow."

"We are doing necessary measures to help in locating your children. We are very sorry with what happened."

"Sorry? Just sorry! What if something wrong happens to my kids? Your sorry is not enough."


I tried calming Henry down. I would want to shout at Ms. Pearl too but that wont do anything. I am pretty sure Ms. Pearl herself is in deep water with what happened.

"Henry, let's go to the police first and give them the CCTV."


"Ms. Pearl and the school will help us. Right Ms. Pearl?"

"We are really very sorry Mrs. Borromeo. We will do all means to help you find our students and we are doing necessary measures to improve our security."

I held Henry's hand and was surprised that he didn't pull his hand from mine. He followed my lead and was just silent until we left the school.

"Give me your key. I'll drive."


"You're mad Henry. I don't think you'd be able concentrate."

"But what about you? I don't think you can drive either."

"Just give me the key."

If I'd show Henry how worried I am too, both of us would be irrational with our actions and we might end up losing the battle.

'Trust in the Lord with all your heart.'

I heard Vianna's voice reminding me to lift everything to God. I am not the prayerful type of person but now as I drive, I know that I can only run to God and I have to be strong for Henry too.



"You have to sleep. I know you were not able to sleep last night because I was in your room and you could only sleep when you are in your bed and last night, I don't think you slept beside me."

Henry released a deep sigh and closed his eyes.

'Cast your burdens upon me.'

God, just lead the way. Lead the way and help us find our children back.

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