Water Spirit of Lake Moon

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My name is Mina May, I haunt a lake called Lake Moon, if you're wondering why, then let me tell you a story. The story is in the early 1900s in a city called Springfield, which is in Florida. I was born there with my mom Rina and my father Billy May. I have snow white hair, pale white skin, my eyes were also white, I get it from my mother's side of things. Growing up in the city was tough, because you got to find that clique that you fit in now.

My clique was the quiet, kinda crazy and weird people,having only two friends which was Emily and my other friend Tasha who were always there for me no matter what. Getting into  trouble, but always  at the wrong place at the wrong time mostly, but hey what could you do? When  police knocks on your door, its never a good sign and my parents were always worried at first, but they were mad later. Feeling depressed at the most I didn't really care no more, just shrugged it off and kept going.

Turning 16 was a huge deal in this place, because that means you can drive around and make some money if you have a really good job then you my friend are talented. I was one those type of people, I hear people say how good I can sing, I sang at this bar called, " Lasino's Bar," singing there every night. Got payed pretty good bucks too, went out with friends a lot more and trying to avoid the police at all cost. In the summer of two thousand, I was at a lovely beach with my friends in Miami, Florida.

Beautiful place if you ask me, peaceful, quiet, nice sunset, me wearing my red bikini, Emily in her green bikini, and Tasha in her yellow bikini ran into the cold water of the North Atlantic ocean. The waves riding up around your ankles like if they were chains, splashing each other and having fun like little kids. Later, on that night it was chilly with the cold wind blowing over the North Atlantic Ocean, feeling little sprays of the water hitting you in the face.

We were sitting around the warm, blazing fire warming up are cold, wet bodies while we talked what we were going to do tomorrow before we leave back for Springfield, we made a decision on going to Lake Moon which was on the mountain of Mount Moon. Telling ghost stories on how people died up there, rumors saying that people haunt that place. Little did I know, I will be joining them.

The next morning we woke up early and packed our things while we hiked to the spot where Mount Moon beings, bursting with excitement. Walking up the steep hills of the mountain was steep, hard, and breath taking knowing we had to  reach this small cave, before it got dark. Taking us over an hour in a half, reaching the cave, setting up the camp.

Sitting on the hard, cold ground around the fire while we roasted some turkey, before eating it, after a small meal we put our sleeping bags down, crawling into them and falling asleep. All of a sudden in the middle of the night we heard a groaning sound, jumping up almost screaming. Looking  deeper into the cave, we saw a figure that was ghostly, and unreal we ran out of that cave like if a murder was after us.

Running up that mountain was no fun at all, we kept seeing more spirits on the way until we reached the very peek. Emily and Tasha were hugging each other tightly, closing there eyes shaking as if it was below zero out here. I was shaking, biting my lip watching the spirits close in on us. When the spirits got close enough to us, they reached out their ghostly hands toward us, as they surrounded us and grabbing at us.

" It is time to for a new guardian of Lake Moon," a Young lady said to us, we looked at her confused like,before she told us what she mean't. " The old guardian of Lake Moon died, and there needs to be a guardian of the lake, so no one can disturb our resting place." Emily and Tasha looked at me, then ran down the mountain screaming, now I was all alone with these spirits scared out of my mind.

" What d-do I-I have to do?" I asked shakily, looking at them, but they were smiling as if they were happy it was me who got chosen. " We must drown you in the lake when the full moon sets over the lake, which is tonight at midnight." I told them to lead the way, they took me to the lake, one of the spirits which was a man took my hand and lead me out in the middle of the lake. Swallowing back my fear, floating on my back,before the crushing grib of the man was around my neck and pushing me down into the lake.

It went black, feeling the soul coming out of my body while my body sank deeper into the lake. My spirit walked up and out of the water with a white,silky gown, with a crown placed upon my head. Now, I Mina was the new guardian of Lake Moon, and will guard it for many years to come. I kept unwanted people out, by killing them in disturbing deaths. This is my story of how I am the water spirit of Lake Moon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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