Running From Death

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  I had been running faster and faster as every last breath withdrawaled from my lungs. Swerving around trees, crashing into bushes, and forcing myself to propel every muscle in my body, I had to keep darting away from that monster.  He looked somewhat like a minatar but had the legs and of a fat muscly gorilla.

If only Kelsey would have listened to me about how abnormal that insane scientist was, we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place. It’s too late for Kelsey now though she’s already converted into the being. I wish I would have been able to see through that experimental tube. “The Being” is such a mean name for a nice girl you might as well call her it or thing just because she lost the privilege of a human being. Of course that crazy Dr. Boosheddi had to catch me right as I was dialing 911 for help and send his nasty pet gorilla bull after.

All of a sudden I heard a sweet little Hoot from a Barred Owl on a tree branch behind me. He made a strange motion with his head that made me understand that he knew that there was a way out. I look around quickly and my gaze had slowly dropped upon a small tree hollow at the bottom of the tree the owl was resting on. I didn’t think I would fit because of how tall I am, but it was my only hope of freedom. I scurried into the tree and managed to squat small enough and hide in a pile of red, yellow and orange leaves from last fall. As my breath was finally calming down enough to not be heard, I felt a strong rumbling of the earth, and I knew that meant he was coming. The shaking had been followed by huffing and snorts of exhaustion, then a rapid sniffing. He was looking for my scent, but luckily I fell into a puddle less than fifteen trees ago that washed off my aroma.

I could see his feet right in front of my face then I hear the earsplitting sound of his bellow. He was fuming because he couldn’t find me in the woods that had acted like a labyrinth. He stormed off, running back to that mad lab to track my scent again.

 Once I had been sure he was gone I ran toward the nearest road and right as I stepped in the middle of the right lane I see headlights coming to me. I start jumping up and down waiving my arms franticly for it was my only chance. I started to notice that it wasn’t slowing down for it was speeding up and about to hit me! I try to jump for it but it was too late. It probably threw me about 50 feet and airborne for over half of that. I couldn’t move and started to black out but right before I passed out I could hear Dr. Boosheddi’s deep voice say, “I knew you’d fall for that robot owl trick now I can finally make you my lab rat! Even if it will cost you your life and your fr……” I hadn’t heard the rest but I was glad I didn’t.

I woke to find myself in the large lab filled with gadgets and gizmos that I didn’t have a clue what they were due to the fact I flunked science. Luckily the one thing I learned there is that there was science that was legal and illegal and by the looks of Dr. Boosheddi wearing a protective suit and pouring a container with a label that says ‘Danger: Plutonium’ into a machine near me, it hadn’t looked good. I had drool dripping down my wavy brown locks and sweat being soaked up by my yellow tee-shirt that now had stains of grass and blood. I had tried to get up and run but couldn’t move anything from my neck and under. Boosheddi had made a thunderous cackling then explained with a smirk, “You’re not going anywhere sweet pea, I gave you a quadentinum shot that will leave you paralyzed for hours so you don’t escape again!” before I could utter even one word back at him the bull gorilla mutant thingy was lifting and throwing me into an experiment tube. I see the figure of Dr. Boosheddi through the translucent tube punching buttons into a machine. I see him thrust a lever forward and lights flashing in the tube. I was being mutated! The words ‘what was I being mutated into?’ were echoing in my head.         

The tube door flew opened and I could hear him screaming shills of joy and babbling on about something that I blocked out because I had noticed something. I had gotten the ability to hear at far distances! I could hear a spider eating a bug four miles away. I could hear a helicopters blades slicing through the wind heading our way, but why? Under it I hear one-hundred and ninety two tires beating against earth’s core and men in the vehicles running the tiers yelling battle cries. Sirens had gone off less than a mile away and then a bull horn shouted, “Calvin Boosheddi, you are one of the five most wanted for purchasing illegal gasses and murder! Come out with the mutants or we will forcedly break down this wall!”

            “NEVER!!!” Dr. Crazy pants squeals.

            There was a huge explosion then men in uniforms that read the words “S.W.A.T. TEAM” across the chest rushing in through the falling rubble and dust. I had seen most of them attack Dr. Boosheddi and handcuff him against the wall but a group came over to me in shock.

One said in a high pitched voice saying, “Should it be put down sergeant?”

“Immediately!” said a man next to him wearing gold stars and medals all over his ensemble.

 I looked around to get my last view off earth to find my friend Kelsey’s mutant figure still locked in the experiment tube waving at me. She had seemed to be saying goodbye but by the rhythm of it, it seemed more like a signal of “I’ll see you soon!” I gaze upon myself to at least find out what I was before I left earth, the one place I had joy, freedom, and liberty. I was covered in thick brown fur, had immensely bulky feet, and gruesome hands. I had become the Bigfoot being! As I start to tear up my dirty face I glance toward the men again to find one of them aiming a Heckler & Koch MP5 straight at my head. I started screaming of horror but right away it stopped because the man had fired the gun. Oodles of sticky bright red blood were being spilled all around my thick fur and running into the soldiers. I had been shot and was about to die but before I kicked the bucket, I shrieked with my last dying breath “WHY ME???”

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