Scott & Stiles

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Scott: Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!

Stiles: You weren't answering your phone. Why do you have a bat?

Scott: I thought you were a predator.

Stiles: A pre - I - wha - look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even State Police.

Scott: For what?

Stiles: Two joggers found a body in the woods.

Scott: A dead body?

Stiles: No, a body of water. Yes, dumb - ass, a dead body.

Scott: You mean like murdered?

Stiles: Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her 20s.

Scott: Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?

Stiles: That's the best part. They only found half. We're going.

Scott: We're seriously doing this?

Stiles: You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town.

Scott: I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow.

Stiles: Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort.

Scott: No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line.

Stiles: Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one.

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