Part One - Ollivanders

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AN: I solemly swear that I am up to no good, just felt like writing a fan-fic, so why not? Enjoy! I OWN NONE OF THE CHARACTERS, ALL CREDIT GOES TO J.K ROWLING.

Lily Luna Potter awakes to the bright sun of an August morning beaming through the blinds in her Muggle bedroom. She checks her watch through bleary eyes, barely registering the time; 7 o'clock, precisely. Slowly, she arises from her bed, stretches and prepares herself for the coming summers day. While doing so, her mother, Ginny Potter, knocks softly on the door to her bedroom.

"Lily, are you up love?" Ginny says calmly to the closed oak door. Lily rakes a brush quickly through her long, Weasley red hair, before sliding one of her signature alice bands onto her head. Today, she has chosen polka dots.

"Yes, Mum. Are we going to Diagon Alley this morning?" She questions sleepily to the door, stifling another yawn.

"Of course we are, sweetheart." Ginny suddenly pauses and Lily hears her quick intake of breath through the wood before she continues, "By the way, something came through the mail for you." Ginny adds quickly whilst scampering away from her daughter's bedroom door.

Lily's eyes open wide when she finally realises what her mother just implied. It has to be, there's no doubt about it. The small girl bursts out of her room, long hair flying wildly behind her as she sprints down the stairs, waking her two older brothers, James and Albus, up as she does so.

Despite this, she's too excited to care. After months of agonisingly waiting for the letter in question to come, Lily is fit to burst with excitement. She slams her hand down next to the crisp white envelope and stares at the emerald green cursive written on its front.

It reads:

Lily Luna Potter, 13 Grimmauld Place, London.

Lily can barely contain her joy and relief over the whole situation. As James and Albus enter the kitchen looking rather would-up and tired, she finally breaks the Hogwarts seal and opens the envelope.

"Dear Miss Potter," she reads aloud to her family - though they are all familiar with the acceptance letter by now - "we are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Yours sincerely, Filius Flitwick, Deputy Headmaster." Lily sighs, content, and her older brothers pat her on the back.

"Congratulations, Lil! We thought you'd never get in." James teases, ruffling her hair.

"Yeah, almost thought you'd be the only squib in our entire family!" Albus jokes. "Well, I'm going back to bed."

"But what about Diagon Alley?" Lily questions, brandishing her Hogwarts letter frivolously in the air. Both of her brothers look at each other and shrug nonchalantly.

"We're not going today. Dad can take you by floo, Lil." James shrugs, heading back to bed. Albus follows shortly after him.

Lily groans and walks back upstairs to her bedroom, where she gathers all of her few Knuts and Sickles that she has left lying around to spend in Sugarplum's Sweets Shop. She slips the small coins into her pocket and goes on a search of the townhouse to find her father.

First, she looks in his study however, for once, he's not in the small room hunched over his desk. She then checks the kitchen on the ground floor, the sitting room on the first floor and the bathroom. After nearly searching the whole of her home from top to bottom, Lily becomes restless. All she wishes to do is to go to Diagon Alley and buy her school supplies - and sweets.

She perches on the edge of the dining table, staring at her letter hopelessly. Suddenly, her father apparates in their dining room, nearly tripping over her. He bumps the table, sending a vase of sunflowers that the Weasley's grew toppling over. 

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