150 Promethazine

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The yearning of comfort, why is it invisible when it can be seen?

The yearning of comfort, where can the invisible man whom can be seen find it?

Looking around the desolate emptiness of a shell in this shallow, bleak room,

The box, it looks so tempting, the film, easy to break, the will, easy to lose.

To be able to forget, to be able to to be drowned away from the world, for just a while, a beautiful nature in thought;

The yearning of an artificial comfort is lying within the box, temptingly lustful in its own simple complexities.

The crack of the film - it is now too late to comprehend the alternatives and the consequence that will follow in the broken promise;

The first object onto the tongue, the blue-laced lust of the medication yearning to bind into the invisible man's body.

It's too late.

It's too late.

Promethazine, 150.

The first to the sixth, the foul taste which promises tales of bitter comforts.

The thought of the artificial comforts, the thought of the abuse, the thought of the invisible man drowning away from the world;

It is his only bliss, his only release from the truth and realities that blight his diseased mind every morrow and at every turn,

The hour passes and he will pass; pass into stupor, pass into a cease of functioning,

The invisible, yet seen man, will be happy, if only for the half-life of the medication.

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