Uncontrollable Emotions- Erikillslaughter

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 1.) When did you start noticing that you had uncontrollable emotions?

 I've always been overly emotional about things. I'd think too much and suffer from this.

2.) What kind of environment are you living in?

 The house that I live in isn't that great. My mom can get verbally abusive, but then she apologizes to me and acts like she's the victim and I caused the way she acted. It's really confusing and can disorient my emotions. I want to be nice to her, to love her, to be her perfect little daughter. But when I start to open myself up to her she'll hurt me. I go around in circles like this.

3.) What keeps you motivated and calm when you can’t control your emotions?

 Well, I kind of blow up when I'm under stress or pressure. I just take out all my anger on a pillow or something of the sort and calm down after that. Sometimes I turn to self-harm, but for the most part I've learned to control my out-of-control emotions.

4.) What types of emotions do you lose control of?

  Sadness, anger, hatred for both other people and myself.

5.) What types of situations do you encounter once your emotions start acting up?

 Well, people will talk to me and I'll tell them I'm in a bad mood. They usually leave me alone for a while. My mother, however, is different. She'll tell me to do chores and the like, and I keep calm for a while. When I finally snap she'll start to yell at me though, so that's not really something I look forward to.

6.) Do you have any advice for people who might being going through this?

When you feel your emotions going out of whack, try to tell people so you don't hurt them or yourself. Take out your anger on a stress ball or pillow. Play violent video games. Listen to loud music that screams and thunders and hates. Find something that'll help you.

7.) Do you have a special quote for people who are going through this?

Just know that it's okay to feel emotion, no matter what that emotion is. But don't let it loose on the people who don't deserve to feel this emotion as well.

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