1 ~ Everything Could Be Changing

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Hope you enjoy the story.

Feedback highly appreciated! 

PS:  That's Melody on the right.  ( --------> )


~ Melody ~

I’m standing outside of “Brady Gigs”, fingers clenched around my guitar, my heart pounding so hard I can hardly breathe. 

“Fuck, Mel, it’s just a stupid audition.” I try to tell myself. I’m not used to being this nervous. In fact, many people think of me as an adrenaline junky, a badass who doesn’t give a fuck. 

But this is different. I’ve never sung in front of anyone important, you see. I usually just perform on the streets, for quarters and dimes. And of course for Amber. But I guess Amber doesn’t really count anymore.

She’s the reason I’m doing this thing. She used to tell me how good I am and of how I will one day become a rock star. So the day one of the passers-by stopped and told me about this agency that was holding auditions to find the next big thing - enthusiastically encouraging me to participate - I thought Why Not?

And now I’m in front of the building, about to face the people that would either make my dream come true or crush it forever. Fun. 

If only Amber were still here, I think. For a second, something stirrs in me. A memory.

Oh no. My vision blurs. My hands begin to sweat and the world around me starts spinning.

NO! I can’t faint NOW!I need to suppress the memories of that night!

I take deep breaths to anchor myself in the present moment, just like my therapist taught me, and mentally push the images away.

“Don’t think about it.”


After a little while, I’m finally able to look back up at the big sign. “Brady’s Gigs.”

I researched this agency before signing up for the audition. Although it’s one of the smaller ones in Tennessee – I mean their artists only perform at small gigs, parties and sometimes open for bigger artists - many people have been discovered through them.

I sigh. “Let me get this over with.” I mumble before pushing the door open. 


“Right this way.” The secretary is leading me up the stairs. “Mr. Brady will be ready for you.”

 “Alright” I reply trying to wipe the sweat of my hands.

 “It’s right through this door. Good luck!” I just nod and enter the room. 

It’s a bright, perfectly round room with light-blue walls. Three people are sitting on a metallic table accros the room. A middle-aged man in the middle - he looks tired and has this air of power around him that characterizes him as the leader, the boss, Rick Brady - a pretty blonde woman on his right and a brunette man to his right. They all look up when they hear me.

Somehow, their superior attitudes make me feel braver. I’ve defied authority my whole life. This is no different.

“Hi.” I say, raising my chin.

“Hello.” Says the woman. She seems approachable enough. “You must be Melody. How old are you, sweetie?”

Sweetie? I snort loudly, causing her to raise her eyebrows at me.

Baggage (One Direction Fan Fiction) - ON BREAKTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon