Chapter ten

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He watched it happen in slow motion. Liam picked up the gun and he ran outside with it like a crazy lunatic. He watched him pick up the pistol that he had been too scared to hold-even touch. He watched him run out with it. I watched him shoot at the target again and again and again. He heard him curse Zayn. He saw him almost try to shoot him.  He saw in awe and shock. He couldn’t believe it. The actions kept playing again and again in his mind. Liam on the ground. His wheat coloured hair ruffled and unkempt.  His eyes blank.  Loves a torturous thing-and let’s be honest here don’t you think they deserve to be tortured?** Sweethearts this is just the beginning. He smirked at the thought of Liam’s innocent eyes welled up in tears. Zayn’s eyes filled with hatred that had just been revealed. His jealousy, his anger, his lust for her…One thing life hasn’t taught them yet or perhaps they just haven’t learnt yet:

“When you’re young everything seems as if it’s the end of the world. It’s not-it’s just the beginning.”

He looked at the sharp knife in his head. The metal twinkled under the light of the bulb. He wasn’t scared at all at what he was going to do. He stared at the bathroom mirror. He stared at his princess tattoo. He looked at the heavens and apologized. Sorry. It was too big a giveaway. He peeled of his skin and didn’t even wince.


Cheryl opened her eyes to stare at the fan. She snuggled into her pillow and thought of her mom.  Why? Because it reminded her of snuggling into her mom’s stomach sobbing because her best friend had just pushed her in mud.  Her dry throat forced her to get out of the warmth of her blanket and go downstairs. Summers in England were not summers. Like Omar said-summers in Pakistan are what you properly qualify as summers…the excruciating heat…the blistering sun that refuses to hide behind the clouds…the sweating!!  Cheryl smiled at the memory but she saw something that wiped the smile of her face- an outline of a man in the balcony window.  OH NO! The gun! Where’s the gun? In her room beside the pillow a little voice in her head answered. She cursed herself-mentally of course.  Steadily the outline was turning towards her. She gulped. Her heart hammered inside her chest…she could hear it and probably she thought so could the person. 

“Everyone makes mistakes-but the greatest one you can do is become so dejected that you cannot think carefully…” Agent Roy’s voice came to her. What would he have told me to do? Breathe, the answer came to her instantly, he would have told her to breathe and think-calmly.  The outline was moving towards the door as she inhaled and then she let out a sharp exhale. OH SHIT CHERYL! Two mistakes in a row. I bet he heard you. Just then an idea came to her. She could take the gun in the drawer. But then she realized something-if the man was dangerous he would have heard her and would have come out-only someone untrained and oblivious would do something like that-someone with bad reflexes-someone like Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam or Zayn. It is so Zayn she told herself and rolled her eyes. What the hell is he doing out. Someone could kill him. IDIOT!

Zayn’s point of view:

Malik! What the effing hell are you doing outside?”

I jumped at the noise.

“Oh my God it’s YOU. Cheryl you gave me a heart attack!’

“Yeah? And you’re like OWW! Never thought it hurt so bad? Let ME tell you that will give you a real heart attack the fact that someone living in that house may have a gun right now and might be out to kill you! What do you think you’re doing outside unarmed?’ Cheryl said pointing to a random house below the hill. It was a two story house but no way could someone shoot me from there.

“How in the world would someone shoot me from there?”

“Because he's trained…he seems to be trained.”

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