I Befiggle

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  • Dedicated to Everyone apart of this(:

Short note before I start~

I would like to first of fan everyone participaiting! I'm sure this story will be amazing thanks to you guys! Please tell me if you like it because, honestly, your the writers and your opinion matters ALOT in this story!

Second of I would like to fan the reader!! Please note that this is a joint story and I can only take credit for this prologue, the main story idea, and organization. The big credit goes to all those other writers! Please help support everyone's writing with plenty of fans, votes, and comments! 

Pronunciation~ Beeffiggle not behfiggle or beffejal its beeeeffigggggle

Thanks!(: That is all!


"Drink it!" I giggled, motioning the bottle towards her.

"Hell no, your crazy!" She laughed, but only slightly.

"Taylor! Drink the Befiggle before I pour it on you." Jackie said, her devilish brown eyes twinkling with amusement.

This caused Taylor to slowly grab the bottle out of my hands. We watched as she untwisted the cap of the used Dasani water bottle, part of the custom. 

This was all apart of our lovely tradition called the Befiggle Swear. In our group of five, this promise is what kept us together. Everything said or done went through the Befiggle Swear. It may sound silly, but it was almost apart of our vocabulary.

I watched Taylor take a wiff of the bottle and she gagged a little. A small giggle escaped from my lips since I knew it was the garlic- her least favorite seasoning. It was my job to create this drink for Taylor because, after all, it was I she broke the swear to.

"Ennie! I swear, you laugh again and I will-" Taylor began at me, I immediately cut her off.

"Drink it god dammit! This stall is crowded, even for a handicap. Our school is too cheap." I half giggled, a little annoyed. Out of all of us, Taylor was the one who chickened out the most- even if she broke the Befiggle more than any of us.

Before we knew it, she chugged on the whole bottle of mysterious foods. Ofcourse, I knew what was in there, she had to guess. Again, all part of our groups ways. 

She swallowed it down with the most disgusted face I've ever seen and then she pursed her lips as she spoke in my direction.

"Garlic, dog food, tomato sauce, and milk?" She hurried to talk.

I nodded, shocked she guessed it, and she bent over the toilet immediately as she threw up the hazardous drink. It wasn't a big deal since all of us have thrown up from a Befiggle Swear drink. 

"Jesus Ennie! All that cause I ditched you in the bathroom last weekend?" She half smiled, wiping her mouth with some toilet paper.

I gave her a cunning grin. "You Befiggled remember?"

She rolled her eyes as we flushed the toilet, threw the bottle out, and exited the empty bathroom. As we walked out, we were greeted by a swarm of students on their way to lunch. Our group may not be the most popular, but we fit in just fine. 

As we laughed and bounced through the halls, I couldn't help but remember back to the way this whole 'Beffigle Swear' started.


We were all sitting at our lunch table. It was the second best table in the cafeteria- preps having the best. It was next to the vending machines and far away from any teachers, not that we did anything bad. Everyday, especially lunch, was just fun. We were the three musketeers only with five people.

Ennie, Jackie, Taylor, Cameron, and Nora- best friends for life.

Today, we all rushed inside as the heavy rain started pelting us.

"I told you not to take the detour!" Whined Cammie.

"Calm down Cam, it's just rain." Laughed Jackie.

Cammie grunted as we lightly jogged across puddles, getting my converse soaked. When we walked inside the cafeteria we were greeted with the unappealing smell of tacos. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for Mexican food, but not when it looks like it came out of a cows- well, you get it.

We strolled down the cafeteria until we all plopped onto the round lunch table, occupying our normal seats. Soon after, we got some lunch from the vending machines and returned back.

"Hey, guys," Jackie announced, running her fingers through her damp hair. "Look who it is." 

I saw an evil smirk form on her face as her chin pointed behind me. As I slowly turned, I locked eyes with the one and only- Cory VanHoover. Funny name, hot body. To be honest, I didn't care much for him though. No, it wasn't going to turn into love like in the movies, he was just there. Nora on the other hand was-

"He's so yummalicious!" She squeaked. I didn't know if she randomly made up the word, but I suppose it expressed her feelings.

"I thought you were over him?" Snorted Cam. Normally, we would support our friends' love interest, but Nora kind of went overboard on Cory which made us want to tear their "love" apart.

"I am! Just because I find some one yummalicious, doesn't mean I'm in love with him. Cammie, I'm more mature then that." Nora said, obviously bluffing.

"You pinkie promise?" Tested Jackie, her eyebrows raised with question.

"Pinkie promise." Joined Nora, twisting her pinkie with Jackie's.

"You liar!" I teased. She gave me an annoyed look and I laughed in response. "Pinkie promises just don't mean what they used to." I said, shaking my head in teasing disappointment.

"Well," started Jackie. "how 'bout we come up with our own promise?" Her voice filled with enthusiasm. We gave her weird looks until she rephrased the proposition. "We come up with something personal. When we promise on this, we promise on everything."

"What would be the consequence?" I asked, knowing this would fail without one.

"Oh! I know," Cammie said, interrupting everyone's thoughts. "We could make a drink. Not like a normal drink, but an utterly disgusting drink filled with different foods." She laughed.

At first I thought this would be a joke, but these ideas weren't half bad.

"Well, what would we call it?" Nora muttered, knowing this would turn on her for lying. It went silent for a while before I decided to throw a random name out.

"What about Befiggle? It could be our Befiggle Swear?" I proposed. Without a moment of silence, Jackie joined.

"Yes! However, instead of a normal pinkie twist- you have to bite your thumb too. Oh, and to make it better, the drinker has to guess five ingredients." She laughed. "So is it settled?" We all nodded. "Great, Nora, your the first one to try the Befiggle drink!" 

I heard Nora groan as Jackie started to fill her empty Disani water bottle with foods from our table, hiding the ingrediants from Nora.

"I didn't break a Befiggle! I broke a pinkie promise." She complained. Jackie ignored her comment as she grabbed Nora by the wrist and we all dragged her into the handicap stall where the first ever Befiggle drink was consumed.

After that, Befiggle was forever apart of our friendship. If you were caught- which you always were- breaking a Befiggle, you had to accept the consequences. There was no questioning or second doubting, it just tied us together. Cory VanHoover faded from our lives as the Befiggle Swear took over.

It combined our friendship together and easily defined us.


I smiled as I sat down in the same exact chair. The Befiggle started in freshman year and now, here we were, juniors, and it still lived on. I was proud of our invention and loved these girls to death.

Oh, the things that were possible this year...


I'm now handing this story over to you guys!:D I will contact you as soon as I need the chapter!(:

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