Zayn Imagine

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Today was your first day at a new school, and thankfully this time it was the start of the school year. Your father was just stationed in England, as he worked in the military.

You were miles away from your friends, but you were determined to make some friends.

You sat at your desk in your first class, French. "I've never spoke a word of French in my life" you thought to yourself.

A minute before class began a tall,handsome boy, with dark brown locks for hair and striking golden brown orbs for eyes walked in and took the seat next to yours.

He flashed a smile and began working on the assignment that was on the board.

You tried your best to decipher the mysterious words on the board but couldn't come up with anything.

The boy beside you tapped your arm, sensing the struggle you were facing.

"It just says, tell the class about yourself. For example, Je m'appelle Zayn Malik, et allez-vous aller sur une date avec moi?" He said so smoothly through is angelic voice.

Your face gave an expression of confusion.

"I'm Zayn Malik and will you go out on a date with me?" He translated.

You sat there in shock, not expecting those words to come out of his mouth.

"I've never seen a girl as beautiful as you, any boy in the world would be lucky to have you, and I want to be that lucky boy."

"Je m'appelle Christina and yes." You answered him. Accepting his date.

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