His Eyes...

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I kissed back automatically and leaned in closer as he moved his soft lips against mine. It felt so right. No kiss with a girl ever felt like this.

I smiled into the kiss and he tangled his fingers in my long hair as we continued to kiss passionately. I felt so many butterflies in my stomach as our lips danced with each other.

After a while I moved back and smiled at Kellin who was deeply blushing and biting his lip.

'Sorry...I didn't mean to do that.' He signed quickly and looked down at his feet.

"It's okay Kells." I reassured and brushed my thumb across his warm cheek. "I...kinda liked it." With that comment his eyes lit up and he smiled.

'Really?' He raised his eyebrow and gave me a sassy look.

"Yes really. Don't you go sassing me Bostwick." I said in a joking tone and leaned in to connect our lips again.

He kissed back immediately and giggled into the kiss as I laced my fingers with his. I pulled away and kissed the corner of his mouth before smiling at him.

"You're cute." I say sweetly and peck his blushing cheek.

'So are you.' He smiled and ran his fingers through my hair softly. I just smiled and looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

I loved his eyes. They are so pretty and big. They're also the perfect mix of ocean blue and light green. It was perfect.

"You have pretty eyes. You know?" I smile and play with his hair a bit.

'My mom used to tell me that a lot.' He smiled, 'you kind of remind me of her.' I could see his eyes watering a bit but he blinked it away. I brushed my thumb across his cheek softly in a reassuring manner.

"Don't get sad on me." I smile, nuzzling my nose to his with an Eskimo kiss and he smiles back sweetly. I looked into his eyes and chuckled. He looked so nervous and his inexperience was adorable. "Was that your first kiss?" I raise my eyebrow and smile.

'Well, yah. I'm sorry was I really bad?' He signed quickly and bit his lip. I'm beginning to think that lip biting is his nervous habit.

"No Kells you were fine." I reassure and  comb my fingers through his hair softly. I chuckle when he giggles a bit. "Your giggle is the cutest thing." I coo, causing him to blush madly. "You should let me hear your voice..." I say softly.

'I don't think I can do that...' He looks down at his feet and sigh sadly. 'I'm sorry I just can't.'

"It's okay Kellin I don't mind." I smile and pull him into a tight hug. "You're still cute." I couldn't see his face, since it was buried in my neck. But I could tell he was blush like crazy.

"Hey it's kinda late now." I pulled away from the hug and run my hand up and down his soft arm. "Want to go to bed?" I tilted my head slightly and he smiled, nodding. "You can just sleep in Mike's bed since he's away at his friend right now." I shrug and he giggles and climbs up the later of the bunk bed quickly, collapsing on the mattress.

I looked up at him and smiled. "Cute." I say in a slightly seductive tone. Kellin just covered his face with his hands and shook his head.

After I gave him a quick kiss goodnight I slipped into the covers on my bed and fell asleep rather quickly.


I woke up at about two in the morning to a faint whimpering noise from above me. "Kells?" I asked in a worried tone. I got no response and the whimpering continued.

After a couple more seconds with no response I climbed up the latter and shook his fragile body. "Kellin?" I asked and once he opened his eyes he screamed and turned over, clinging to my chest and crying. I held him in my arms a bit startled at the sudden actions.

'Please stay?' He looked up at me and signed, tears streaming down his cheeks. I nodded, shuffled under the covers of my brothers bed and held Kellin close to me until his breathing got heavier and his fluttered his beautiful eyes closed. I had no idea what happened but I was just happy I could hold him against me.

(A/N)-Sorry it sucked and was kinda random and was short ;-; I had writers block and all that stuffs... The next chapter will be better I swear!!!!!! <3

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