CHAPTER 3~ The Birth

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When Delgado arrived to his laboratory in scraps he pulled out his gun.

“ALL RIGHT! WHO’S FAULT IS THIS!” he shouted picking up broken glass tubes. A voice from behind the operating table said

“Hers” and a finger pointed towards the motionless body of Kelly on the floor.

“Shame. She was so pretty” Delgado spoke in fake sympathy. His head tilted to one side and he smiled at her.

“LOCK HER UP! We could do with a fresh testing subject; Most of them are dying off anyways.” His voice turned to steel and his smile was gone.

Kelly woke to hard slaps across her face.

“WAKE UP! You brat!” Kelly came to consciousness to be greeted by a guard and a throbbing headache.

“W-what happened!” the guard told her to walk because she was getting to heavy to drag. Kelly leapt to her feet jumping around.

“GET OFF ME! Please! Let go! Where are you taking me!” She screamed in terror noticing the pipes up ahead and how frosty the air became. An electric rod was pulled out of the pocket of one of the guards and smashed into her chest. Her body convulsed with the many watts of electricity running through it. She screamed in pain going limp, and weak.

“Get up! Or would you like me to continue with your punishment” the guard on the left shouted. His voice sounded very familiar to Kelly. Then she knew who it was.

“Jackson! What have they done to you!” she cried as realization sunk in. it was her brother. A small chip had been inserted into all the brains of the guards, like mind control, they had no memories of past events and felt nothing but anger. They were like Delgado’s personal robots; he toyed with them and played with them, making them do whatever he wanted.

“Shut up slave girl! You don’t know me! And it is GENERAL Jackson to you!” he slapped her across the face leaving a red hand print to swell up. Kelly walked silently for the rest of the way to her cell. She passed cells with strange morphed creatures that used to be humans. Some were successful, others…not quite. She came into the polar section. A girl sat in the corner of her cage quietly until a guard approached her and threw a slab of meat into the enclosure. The blood soaked to the white marble floor dusted with snow. She instantly turned into a polar bear and roared and growled as she ripped at the meat. Kelly shuddered and turned away. Selkies, humans cross seals, swam solemnly in their icy water. Snow owls with glowing red eyes screeched at passing guards. Kelly was shoved into a lift that took them to the next level. Suddenly an announcement rang out across the area. Everything went silent.

“AHM…hello my fellow guards! I just wanted to say, please make sure you escort Kelly through all the sections to show her what she might end up as. A little suffering should make her strong, as I am sure what she will under go will be a first. Thankyou, Delgado here” as quickly as it came on it went away. Everyone resumed what they were doing. It was as simple as that. The next section was tropical. Giant snakes lay on the floor of leaf litter. Other smaller animals blended into the background so well, they were invisible. A young lady, at about the age of 23 stood at the edge of her cage. Her skin was furry and spotted, she had two ears sticking out of her head and a tail coming out of her shorts. Her stomach was slightly swollen with what they called Humaheetah cubs. The twin boys were due in two years; the pregnancy of this particular creation took so long because of all the special qualities they had to develop. Then Kelly saw one of the failures. A cage which held a female human and 3 children at about 7 years old had one failure in it. The human lady was feathered and brightly coloured. So were two of her babies. But, the last one lay slumped on the floor with two swollen, broken wings protruding stiffly out of its back. She sat there covered with sticky substance and few stray feathers sprouting out of her back. They were dully coloured and she took heavy breathing. Her mother sat over her, as she watched as her baby girl wither away to nothing. Her mournful eyes looked up at Kelly as she mouthed the words ‘Help’ Kelly just turned her head away, tears dwelling in the corner of her eyes. Further down, a fox prowled in its cage, its 8 tails flicking this way and that. A deer stood in his cage, his glory taken away as he waited for something to help him escape. Something that would never come. He was telepathic, one of Delgado’s greatest creations. His fur was silver and his eyes a deep violet. But his antlers were another story entirely. They sat on the top of his head glittering in the little light he had in his prison. They were a regal gold, not just regal, but REAL gold.

Please, you have to help us get out of here! My doe and fawns await me in the forest! I have encountered endless suffering, but it has only made me stronger. What they did to me what a gift, and at the same time, a curse. If I was let out into the wild, many hunters would come for me for my antlers, but at the same time, my telepathic power helps me. Please! I have to escape!he edged towards the cage, begging desperately with his eyes. Kelly thought inside her head.

I am the moment I am helpless...I will try do what I can’she thought.

I understand’ The buck replied nodding his head. Guards shoved her forward and shouted at her to keep moving. She didn’t know where they were taking her, and she wasn’t eager to find out.

Kelly was pushed roughly into a cell with cold metal bars. She fell to her knees and ran to the bars just before they left her to her fate.

"PLEASE! let me out of here!" she screamed in terror. The thumping of thick guard boots echoed further away from her. The efforts she exposed to get somethings attention were futile. Kelly shrunk to the smooth marble floor crying. Her crystal tears splashed to the white stone. She was to enveloped in misery to notice the young man in the cell across from her watching her every move intently, until she could no longer hear the small splatter of tears on the floor. Kelly opened her eyes to see them hanging in the air in front of her. Eyes widening in shock, she jumped back and screamed when her body contacted with the electric field that entwined the metal rails.

"oops, sorry about that" a sweet voice called out from across the room. Kelly gingerly turned around to see a handsome young man, around her age, standing at the bars of his cell. His  eyes were a deep blue, and upon his head sat gravy coloured hair. He. Was. Gorgeous.

Kelly's heart stopped beating as she took in this glorius sight to behold.

" oh..uh, it-its f-fine. im fine. y-you didn't mean to, i mean it was, and accident, you, um what. but, wait, so...." she hopelessly stuttered.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2011 ⏰

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