Chapter 13: Running For Our Lives

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"Oh my goodness," Collin said in a panicked whisper.

"What do we do?" I asked in an equally panicked whisper.

"Keep going!" He whispered back.

He shoved the back door open and pulled me outside. Then, he started running. His legs were way longer than mine, so I had to sprint just to barely keep up with him.

I made the mistake of looking back. Ethan was standing there in the back porch with a gun in his hand.

"Collin! He has a gun! Oh my goodness, he has a gun!" I said. Just then, I heard a loud bang and felt a terrible, burning pain in my shoulder blade. I screamed and fell to the ground.

I saw Collin run ahead. He didn't know what happened. "COLLIN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, which were starting to give out.

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