Frequently Asked Questions

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Help me build this sections by asking questions in the comments!

**NOTE: I would LOVE to have a cover for this book! But that is SO not my area of talent. So if you'd like to submit a cover design of your own, please do! You can email it to aprilynnepike at gee mail dot com.**

Q: What the heck is this?

A: This is a much-requested, long-promised companion novel to Wings!

Q: On Wattpad?

A: Yup! The idea of setting aside a big enough chunk of time to write an entire novel was basically impossible in my schedule of contracted projects (you know, the ones that pay the bills!) but it occurred to me that there's no reason I can't post it one chapter at a time.

Q: When does this novel occur?

A: I started writing Wings just shy of ten years ago, which makes it rather exciting for me to set Arabesque about ten years after Wings.

Q: Will we see characters from Wings?

A: Yes!! Not all of them, but some. You will definitely see Laurel and Tamani and get an update on them.

Q: So when can we expect chapters?

A: Thaaaaaat's the tricky part. Sometimes I'll have lots of time, other times I'll be working twelve hours a day on other projects just to make my deadlines. So chapter releases will ebb and flow. But by doing it this way, readers will get something and if I wait for a whole book, well, I just don't know when it would happen.

Q: But when will you start?

A: Summer 2016! And here's why: I'm finishing up the sequel to Glitter (Random House Children's Books, October, 2016!!!) which is due in February, then I have a project I'm preparing for the adult market. As soon as that one's ready, I'm starting on Arabesque! In the meantime, I'll be developing a really good outline so that I can put each chapter up knowing it's not going to change too much in the novel's final form.

Q: When will it be done?

A: When it's done. (I'm so helpful.;))

Q: Can we buy the whole thing when it's done?

A: I'll make the entire thing available as an eBook when it's done, and depending on how many people want it in paper, I'll definitely look into that when the time comes. I don't expect to take the chapters down from Wattpad though.

Q: Can I write a chapter?

A: Nope. I'm afraid that as an author I don't play well with others and I'm very possessive of my work. Want to write fan fiction? Go for it! But MY work on the Wings work is MINE. (Says two-year-old me. ;))

Arabesque: A Wings CompanionWhere stories live. Discover now