Meeting Adien Part 2

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Chapter 2

Before we go back to Adien, I believe I owe everyone a proper introduction. My name, in the language that you are reading is Death. Yes, I am he, the mighty being that comes to claim your soul in the most inconvenient times and ways.

Hold on, don’t close out the window. Let me explain first, then if you no longer want to read I wont creep out of the shadows tonight and steal your soul from your warm body.

Ha-ha, just kidding. . . .But seriously, please continue reading.

My name is Death, but I’m basically harmless. Well, I was before Adien and I crossed paths. But even now I’m not that bad of a.. I cant truly describe it. See, I’m not female, nor am I male. I’m just a spirit, an entity.

Perhaps I should have thought this out better before I tried to explain it to you.

No matter. What I wanted to tell you is that I was harmless until Adien corrupted me and tried to destroy everything that I’ve worked the last few millenniums to build. I suppose this takes away from the bad guy/entity image. The thing is, my aura is almost completely pure.

Just because to you I’m a bad thing, doesn’t mean I am. Could you image a world where no one ever died? Just image Hitler, Pol Pot, Attila the Hun, living forever!!!

I pride myself on such a pure aura. I know some deities that completely destroyed theirs, like Lucifer. His is shot man. But mine, mine glows and vibrates throughout a room. People can feel me coming before I enter a building. For the longest time I thought my aura was indestructible, un-taintable, perfect. I suppose the big man upstairs placed Adien on earth simple for my downfall.

Good thing I came out on top anyway.


I was in the girls bathroom on the second floor, standing over a girl who currently was sticking a long black ink pen down her throat. She could sense me, I can tell these things. I know she sensed me because she stopped from reinserting the pen and sat on her butt, pondering her present destructive lifestyle.

Maybe I don’t need to get to a size zero, she thought as she ran her hands over her size two clad legs. Tiffany can go screw herself, I’m not that fat.

The girl threw the pen down the toilet and leaned to flush, while I decided I’d wasted enough of my time and left the girl’s room. I drifted past the air of arrogance and the discomfort of low self esteem and materialized in the lunch room where I could keep a watchful eye on Adien, who sat beside some of his associates laughing and eating a tray of French fries.

“So then what did you say?” Oscar, the over-sized incredible gullible teddy bear asked as he leaned closer to Adien. Adien rolled his eyes at the boy whom he considered a nuisance. The only reason he kept him around was for jokes, which were always on Oscar.

“I said fuck off lady, and she started to cry. It was priceless.”

Oscar clapped his hands with childish glee as he leaned as far back as the tiny lunch seat would allow, and let out a giant laugh only someone his size could manage. “Wow Adien”, he said around the thick like molasses tears that streamed from his happily dancing eyes. “You’re so bad!”

“Oh shut up you big idiot.” Adien said coolly and smiled as the rest of his peers began chuckling at the poor boys expense. No one dared laugh, dare he call them out next.

Oscar stared solemnly down at his pudgy fingers. “You should stop making fun of me. It isn’t funny.”

Adien cocked a brow at this. He was mildly surprised, and completely amused; finally the big guy was sticking up for himself. “And if I don’t Oscar, what will happen? You’re going to tell your mommy? Or worse”, Adien said, stopping for dramatic effect. “You’re going to tell my mommy!”

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